Performing with two kids

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Logan made sure that he had his eyes on his girls at all times cause they were his world and he will be list if anything bad would happen to them

"Guys what are you playing now?" Logan asks as he feeds Kyndal her bottle

"Sami has us playing baby" James says as he spits outs his pacifier that he had to have since it was his nap time according to Sami who was controlling the whole game

"This is too funny" Logan says as he fights the laughter that was building up inside of him cause he found this quite amusing the three other guys wearing bibs and bonnets

"Watch it Logan you will be roped in to do it next" Carlos says as he plays with Sydney a little bit since Sami was feeding Kendall mush cause he was a bad baby

"Oh no that will be very bad, so I'm going to stop now" Logan says as he sits Kyndal up, so he could burp her

Kyndal let out some good burps for her daddy

"Thank you Kyndal" he says as he lays her back on her pillow, so he could rinse out her bottle before him and the guys had to eat something before they went onstage to perform that night for the fans

Kyndal didn't like when daddy left her to go away

"Kyndal I'm right here baby doll I'm never going to leave you ever" he says as he comes right back out to comfort her in his arms since she was quite upset over daddy leaving her

Kyndal soon settled back down and started to go to sleep on her own

"Before daddy puts you down he is going to change you" he says as he lays her on the blanket mat, so he could change her diaper

Kyndal felt better when she had a new diaper on her

"There we go now daddy has to get sissy ready for dinner. Then he will give her a bath and get her ready for bed, and then I'll give you a bath and get you ready for your first night with me. After I will get ready to go on stage and perform for the fans that came to see daddy perform" he says as he places her in the pack n play that he got for her to sleep in

Kyndal sucked on her paci as she slept like a little lamb that she was

"Sami it's time to wash up for dinner" Logan says as he approaches her where she was still playing baby with the guys

"Me not done playing yet" she says to him

"Finish up okay and then it's time for dinner" Logan says as he goes and gets a shower since Sami was still playing with her Uncles a little bit

Logan enjoyed the time that he had for himself. After his shower he got her plates out for dinner that night

"Sami I let you play and now it's time for you to wash up for dinner" he says to her when he comes out of the tour bus with everything that they needed for dinner that night

"Okay daddy" she says to him

The others were grateful to be done playing baby with Sami for a little bit

"Let Logan put your bib on you, so you don't get your clothes messy" he says as he puts her bib on her

Once her bib was on they headed to the bathroom to go potty and wash hands before supper that night

"What would you like Sami?" He asks when they got to the buffet line

Sami pointed out what she wanted to eat that night for dinner. Logan was glad she had a bit of independence in her

"Logan is going to put you here to eat your dinner while he goes through for himself he says as he sets her at one of the tables, do she could eat like a big girl

Sami starts to eat her dinner while Logan gets his dinner

(After dinner)

"Time for your bath Sami, and then i have to get Kyndal ready for bed too" he says as he takes her back to the bus for her bath

After he got Sami ready for bed he had to get his ear pieces in his ears. Once his ear pieces were in he got Kyndal ready for bed

"Daddy is going to put you in your sleeper, and then I'll give you your bottle" he says as he puts her in her jammies

Kyndal started to get fussy after he got her ready for bed

"Now to feed you then it will be time for daddy to go on stage" he says as he puts a bottle in for her to have

Kyndal drunk the entire bottle happily for daddy

"You must be hungry baby doll" he says as she still suckles the bottle

Logan burped her like always

"Logan its time to do the quack" Carlos says to him as he comes out in his baby attire since Sami wanted to play baby before they went on stage

"Coming" Logan says to him

Logan held Kyndal the whole time and she loved it

"Aren't you sleepy?" He asks the baby that was in his arms

Kyndal reached out to him with her tiny hands

"Of course you can squeeze princess" he says to her

Logan went out on stage with her in his arms and the fans loved it they ate it up


"Sami what is it?" He asks her when she ran on stage

"Scary" she says hugging his leg

"You can stay with Logan okay" he says as he puts her somewhere while he continues to sing with the guys

Performing with two kids is a lot harder then what it looks like cause he had to keep one calm, and keep an eye on the other little one. To make sure she doesn't get into a lot of trouble while he was performing with the guys

"Sami are you having fun jumping?" he asks when they were between songs cause he was still holding Kyndal who was still a little fussy, so he figured it was colic, or she was getting sleepy and she couldn't sleep with all of this noise that was in the arena

She nods as she continues to jump on the trampoline that was on the stage

Logan was glad when it came to Worldwide cause the girls could settle down and go to sleep. Then he will put them on the bus to go to sleep while he continues to perform for the fans that came to see the show

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