red light (3)

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Alucard is awakened to the sound of someone aggressively loading rounds. It seems the older sister can run on four and half hours of sleep. The Eldritch Vampire slides the dark mahoney lid back on his casket. The older sister is going to give him a drinking problem, as in the consumption of more blood, due to exhaustion. Alucard strolls to his high backed chair and settles into it, as if it's the millionth time. A wonderful sound reaches his hypersensitive ears. The sound of Walter's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Morning Walter, " Alucard yawns. "Excellent timing as usual, Angel of Death."

"Of course Alucard," Walter bows then places two blood packets, in ice, on the table next to the vampire.

" Walter, may I ask you something?"

"Well of course," the aging butler responds.

"The oldest one, is quite rude and I am trying to find out if she is just obnoxious to everyone or just me..."

"It would seem it is you Master Alucard," Walter lets an ever so slight smile cross his lips." Carbon has stripped and cleaned all of Alpha's weapons. She has done target shooting and is now making your ammunition for Jackal."

"Mmm, but is it being made correctly? She hates vampires..."

"Alpha has told Sir Hellsing, that Carbon doesn't put her personal feelings before a job. Your ammo will be in working order if not better, as it is being made in house," Walter uses logic and the work record of Alpha Carbon, to be convincing.

"Aah, anyrate would you set Olivia up, with one of your gourmet breakfasts. A Little something extra that the Captain and the rest don't get?" the First Nosferatu hums. "I sense her going to be awake, possible soon."

"But of course sir," then Walter heads for the door.

Alucard runs his long fingers through his unruly ebony hair. He has gathered that Olivia finds his hair being long, a huge attraction. His eyes close as his hair grows long and sweeps down his shoulders. With eyes still shut, his fingers grasp one of the blood packets. A sharp nail slices a corner open so the life giving contents pour into a wine glass. The Elder Vampire's cat, red and orange, eyes slide open a crack. His fingers twirl the glass and its contents, so the blood swirls ever so slightly, before he takes a drink.

Alucard's mind wanders to hazy thoughts of all the times he and Olivia met in the waking dream. The frustration of not being able to touch in that realm. After a period of time, the Vampire King would send a bat, much like a carrier pigeon to Olivia. The bat was particularly cute for something that a vampire would summon in a bat. Olivia would cup her hands to let the little bat land softly. He would wiggle in her small hands until able to lick her cheek, in a lively fashion.

The blood-singer would giggle at its antics, then place a feather light kiss, to the top of the little bat's head. Its little lips would pout, as the young woman gently tossed the bat in the air, to get lift back to its master. Once it landed on its Master's shoulder, it would scamper up to plant a kiss then glower with a wrinkled up lip, as if the youthful vampire tasted bad or it wasn't his choice to kiss the man.

The Shadow King pulls a ring from his pocket and studies it. His next waking dream visit, Alucard had planned to give his blood-singer a gift. He knew she adored his little bat, so he managed to influence Walter to have one made to his liking. The ring had just arrived the morning before Olivia arrived in London.

Unholy King let a long winded sigh out, now what to do with the older sister. He had 'pumped' his master to try and get only Olivia to be retained at Hellsing but Alucard was told every time that it was a sister duo team. To get Alpha you got Carbon. Sir Hellsing began to ask questions back and the first vampire was forced to be silent.

Perhaps it was time for his fledgling to make her move, for that ridiculous French Captain, as Mr. Bernadotte didn't seem to be dying in action, anytime soon. As for any of the other mercenaries of the Wild Geese, Alucard suspected Channon would kill them in 15 seconds flat. Speaking of the older sister, where has she gotten off to?

Vampire King now senses his blood-singer beginning to stir and he is fighting to be patient, The sound of Walter knocking on Olivia's door and her soft,warm voice greeting the butler has Alucard thinking to the future with his blood-singer. Then he is jarred out of his planning by the sound of two female voices. The other is Channon, as she greets Walter now. Walter pauses, so Alucard knows the second sister caught him off guard too.

The Elder Vampire can not imagine how he had missed sensing two heartbeats. His long, white gloved fingers tap softly on the armrest of his chair. It was if the Morton sisters were born to be supernatural hunters, from the moment they took their first breath. The closeness of the bond was on par with twins and four years separated these sisters. He couldn't imagine if they had been born twins, the abilities they would have shared.

A triumvirate? Alucard never seeked one out as there never was a pair strong enough to build his power more than what he had already. These two?

They would cement the power into a powerful conduit and he would be the wielder. It would be enough to possibly lift the power of the sigils that held it and it could be renegotiated his service to Hellsing. I might not even change much but it was now his choice not all Hellsing's and being forced on Alucard. The vampire had been a proud Prince in life and an even prouder Vampire King. The sister is now a concern if she leaves, he thinks.

If another gets a hold of her and can harness her abilities...

The sound of the older sister walking up stairs, has Shadow King standing up and heading to the wall they share. He thinks of just phasing through but that is not very gentlemanlike. So, for the first time in years, Alucard took to the hallway and knocked on Olivia's bedroom door. He smells eggs and can tell the egg yolk is nice with whites. Then the aroma of bacon and toast, with a hint of lemon curd on the toast.

Olivia cracks the door open, I'm not presentable yet.."

"I'm sure you look beautiful in nothing at all..." he didn't skip a beat.

"I thought you would be more romantic and court me, as in the days of old... Sir," Olivia replies with a sly look and her body hiding behind the door so the vampire couldn't see.

"Of course draga mea, a couple's dinner you and I? I have a gift for you..." Alucard produced a low vibrating growl, as if he was purring.

"Oh Alucard! What a captivating're a blood-singer I am supposed to be enticed by that sound aren't I?" Olivia finished with a tsking sound. "What to do with you?"

"Mmm, become mine..."

"Oh no you don't! You are going to work for it Shadow King..." with that the younger sister shut the door.

A loud sigh could be heard from the first vampire but a smirk also clung to his lips. It was just a comfort to have his intended blood-singer or as most knew the term, soulmate, around for him to protect.

His mind came back around to the older sister. The Vampire King wanted only Olivia but once more his military trained mind of old, told him you don't split a strong force. You split the team then one forced out seeks another team, and it usually is always your enemy. Not that he had enemies to be concerned with but Hellsing could become weakened. His master would not be pleased, on that.

One of his long fingers taps his chin, the odd conversation on necromancy and the way Channon words her sentences. Did she know of a necromancer?

Her aura wasn't the right color for her to be one... something wasn't adding up and when it comes to summoners of the dead, never underestimate them. Many a fledgling or weak vampire rose in the day and walked into the sun, by the presence of a powerful necromancer. Hence the unspoken rule, all necromancers are put to death and their ashes spread so they didn't even return as a fabled 'Liches.'

~Never let a necromancer take one more breath...

Vampires don't settle old scores, we harbor them."

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