awaiting judgment (23)

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πΩ• bătrânul lup (old wolf)
π•îngerașul meu (my little angel)


∆Ω• balaur/ zmeul (the dragon)
ƥmic puiul meu (my little cub)

"Let my sister go! Channon doesn't need to stay in your room under lock, key, and your eyes!' Oliiva loudly protests. She is normally quiet and mild, but don't step on it if she thinks what you are doing is wrong.

"You, little blood singer, are not to keep secrets from your vampire mate either..." he hisses menacingly.

"We had this childhood secret long before you Master Vampire..." her nostrils flared with her angry eyes.

"Exactly Angel...humans know better than letting a necromancer live. The Vampire law is the same as human law on liches and necromancers," he reminds her.

Olvia just silently glares and then finally speaks,"She didn't have a choice. Her god chose it. Anpu is the neter of the dead and embalming. She represents a pharaonic hound that protects the cosmic balance."

"Raising the dead is cosmic balance?" Alucard sneers slightly at such a concept.

Then, his crooked, annoyed smile drops. This is the official, couples' first serious fight. It figures it would be over in laws. Though most in laws don't summon everybody from a graveyard either. His Master has placed a restriction on Alucard so that an unnecessary executioner doesn't happen. Yet...when the restriction is lifted, the first thing will be to strike Miss Mortion down."

"My sister is not stupid! She knew coming back to help would reveal her secret. Yet, she came for me when I needed it. " she blows out an angry breath. "Do you really think she is going to run away now?"

"Your sister has still made dumb mistakes, too," he now looks for amoment to his booted foot. "She should never have come to Hellsing.. You could have been alone and left her behind..."

Olivia makes two fists and then clenches her fingers tight,"Completely alone! We are the only relatives to each other. It's not like she calls for the dead to be her family and friends. You are just being stupidly stubborn and thinking stupidly. I thought you would be better about it. I told her she was safe from you, and now my words are empty in meaning. I guess I thought higher of you than you are capable of."

The Shadow King opens his fanged mouth and then closes it. That calm and wellwordness is now being applied to him. He didn't like it being turned on him in a fight. Olivia would make lawyers cringe. So, his response is to whirl around and head back into his room. Olivia hears chain rattling, then a loud snarl.

"Out! Thank your sister, but no running away...I will find you quickly," he combines a growl and hiss together.

Channon doesn't want to be told twice. She knows Olivia is waiting for her outside the door. "Well! You get your love nest back, you miserable pale ass dick of a monster."

The older sister reaches the door to verbally say one more barb of statement, "OH! Do try to keep it down. I do need sleep..."

Olivia is the first of course to greet her older sister. "Hello he treating you well?"

Channon sticks a strong thumb under a chain collar and pulls up. He removed the leash, but the collar remains to discourage her escaping while also a form of degravation. It is like chaining up and out of control werewolf. As for her clothes, they have returned to standard human clothes to fit a six foot tall body, not eight and half.. There are rips and dirt stains all over both pants and a shirt. The pants mostly.

@lpha🧿c@rbon (Hellsing poly)Where stories live. Discover now