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a/n: the three languages that will be spoken throughout the story are korean, english, and mandarin.


Jisung could hardly breathe. The short break was over, and it would be time to return to school. He stood outside the school gates, where students were gathering with their friends. Everyone had begun to talk about their seven day break, and Jisung was wondering how he would tell them about his seven year break.

Some of his old classmates recognized him and welcomed his back with a smile. Someone cried when they saw him, apparently. He took a quick peek at his class schedule. He hadn't been to Korea in a while, and he forgot what most of school there was like. In America, he would usually get up to go to different classes, but here the teachers would move from room to room. It was weird.

"Jisung-ssi!" He heard a familiar voice call his name from inside. He looked around and the voice belonged to none other than Lee Donghyuck. He'd met with him last night after seeing Mark's parents and Jaemin. "Hey." Jisung said in English. Donghyuck looked confused. Oops, I forgot, I'm supposed to speak Korean now. Jisung thought to himself. 

"Yah! Park Jisung! How dare you show up in the middle of nowhere like this!" His old friend, Zhong Chenle yelled. Jisung could tell he was joking. Chenle let out a high pitched laugh and proceeded to run to his friend. "I missed you!" Chenle said smiling. Soon the others gathered around him like before. Jisung laughed as he and his friends exchanged words and old jokes that they still remembered. 

Jisung's heart was still pounding. Jaemin hadn't shown up yet. Had he scared him off? Perhaps Jaemin didn't want to come to school today because he knew Jisung was back. Did Jaemin change his mind? Renjun seemed to read Jisung's expression well. "Jaemin's always late. That lazy boy." He told Jisung. Jeno rolled his eyes playfully. "We all knew you only missed Jaemin."

Jisung huffed and narrowed his eyes at Jeno. "No, I missed all of you equally." Chenle and Renjun exchanged a few sentences in their native language. 

"That liar." Renjun said, nudging Chenle. "I can't believe those two actually waited for each other."  Chenle replied to Renjun in Mandarin. They were talking loudly. There was no need to whisper, as no one else could understand what they were saying. "I know you're badmouthing me! Do you have to make it so obvious?" Jisung scoffed at his best friend and hyung. 

"Not our fault you idiots didn't wanna take Mandarin." Chenle told him, a smirk spread across his face. "Ok fine, you turds wanna play that game?" Jisung snapped back at them in English. Seven years in America didn't amount to nothing. Jisung continued to roast the China members in English. He was having fun seeing them confused until he heard his voice.

"Jisung-ah!" Jaemin sprinted down the hallway and flung himself onto the younger. Jisung gasped for air, as the two of them toppled over Jeno and Hyuck. "Jaemin-hyung... I'm still getting used to you." Jisung grunted before laying his head on the floor. Jaemin helped them up and dusted invisible dirt off of his clothes. 

"Hi hyung." Jisung finally managed to say. Jaemin stood before him, and the world fell. Jisung's attention was only on him. He couldn't hold his gaze for long though. Soon he turned away and hid behind Chenle. Jaemin looked at him weirdly. "So Jisung, what room are you in-" Jaemin never got an answer, the bell rang. Jisung apologized quickly and went with Chenle to his classroom. 


"Dude, what's gotten into you?" Chenle snorted at his friend as they sat down. Jisung's ears were red and he hid the bottom half of his face in his arm. "Nothing." Jisung told him. He saw Jaemin walking in the hallway, chatting with Jeno and Renjun. Jisung blinked and ducked his head under the desk. Chenle raised an eyebrow. "Uh huh..." He said sarcastically. 

Chenle bent his head to meet Jisung under the table. "Is it about Jaemin? You still like him, right?" Jisung tried to get out from under the table, but his head was met with wood. "Ow!"    Chenle gasped. "Don't cuss, Jisung!" The latter scrunched his nose at Chenle mockingly. "That wasn't a cuss word, genius."

 The teacher walked into the room and wrote Jisung's name on the board. "Everyone, please welcome Jisung back home. He lived in America for seven years, but he's here now." The Chinese male eyed Jisung knowing he didn't like the attention. "My best friend is back hoes!" Chenle stood up and did a weird pose, making it worse for Jisung. 

Jisung felt betrayed and hit Chenle, telling him to sit back down. "Zhong Chenle, watch your language please." The teacher shot at him. He muttered a quiet 'Yes sir' before sitting back down. "You idiot." Jisung mouthed at him. Chenle just stuck his tounge out.


"I bet you're so happy now that your little Sungie is back." Renjun teased. Jaemin sighed dreamily. Jeno snickered. "He's probably fantasizing about him." Jaemin looked at the two bullies for a second, before going back to smiling. 

Renjun was about to ask another question, but a thought popped into his head and he paused for a moment, looking to Jeno. He made sure Jaemin was zoned out and not listening to him. "Don't you think Jisung was a little... off  though?" Renjun asked him. Jeno pondered, giving Renjun's comment some thought. 

"Well it's his first day back, so I'd give him time to adjust to everything here again." Jeno answered after a while. Renjun rolled his eyes. "That took you a minute. God, you're so slow. Jeno pouted at him. "Babe..." 


"Jisung-ah! You're back!" A girl called out to the little boy. Jisung nodded happily. "Hey, Ryuna!"

Choi Ryuna, Jisung's kindergarten crush. She confessed to him on their second week of school. Five-year-old Jaemin butted in and pulled her hair. Jisung was only four and didn't understand why he did so at the time —and he still doesn't quite understand even now— but he had to yank the older away from her. Ryuna was crying the rest of the day, and Jisung refused to speak to Jaemin. That was their first ever fight. Jisung realized that his first ever fight with Jaemin was because of a girl.

"Jisung!" A figure ran towards him. Jisung knew it was Jaemin, and he shrank beneath his shoulders, slightly embarrassed. "Jaemin-hyung, we're in the cafeteria!" He said through clenched teeth. Jaemin stopped in his tracks, getting in the way of Ryuna and Jisung's reunion. "Can we go eat somewhere else, there's too many people here." Jaemin muttered. 

Jisung didn't understand why Jaemin wouldn't want to be surrounded by all of his classmates. Jaemin used to be so social, but in the time that Jisung came back, people always told him that he hardly spoke to anyone besides his friends.

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