Untitled Story Part

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The sky is black and street  lights illuminates nothing but hair

Face down arms locked on phones without a care

walking down streets focused on little screens of light

Just crowds, marching along, left right, left right

Their bubble often disturbed by a bump and a hasty apology

As they immediately reply, not too worry

Not paying attention to facial features

Or whether they were cleaners or  teachers

too busy being hooked on machines

So tell me doctor, what is this disease?

How can something promote inclusion of all while excluding from the many

As screens dominate from phones to the tele

Taking over our lives and our minds

As we learn who to be by what we see

And who we should flee from the news at tea

Force fed values and beliefs through a technological drip

Sending in bias and prejudice as we look at just the tip

Of the information iceberg of current events

As those who know begin to lament

As we are imprisoned by what could free

Confined by what we ignore and fail to see

Indoctrinated by lies and misinformation

To a way of thinking that leads to the wrong destination

So look up at those around you

Raise the curtains that are blinding you

See everything and everyone around you

And make up your own mind on what makes you you.

Don't let what's on the screen decide you're ideas

use what we have before us to realise

We are not part of a mold, we were not born to be controlled

Not stuck on a door we did not realise revolved

We decide our own fate, we can influence the debate

We can challenge and change to make sure we aren't late

To arrive at the right destination

Where we can all offer salutation

With our faces illuminated by the light

And our machines controlled by our own collective might.

inclusion for exclusionWhere stories live. Discover now