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It was grudgby season, and Luz was the star player for the Hexside High Banshees. However, that usually meant that after practice, Amity wouldn't want to cuddle with her. And this is where we find the girls now.

"Please Ami?"

"For the last time, no! You need a shower before we can cuddle, that's final!" Amity said, conveniently looking away from her girlfriend and her puppy eyes. Luz sighed, then grinned suddenly.

"Shower with me!" She demanded childishly. Amity blinked, then blushed.

"What? No!" She exclaimed. Luz frowned, then surged forward and wrapped her arms around Amity's waist, nuzzling into her neck.

"Shower with me, or sweaty cuddles." Luz warned playfully. Amity rolled her eyes, but got up. Luz blinked, not expecting Amity to go along with it. She wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth though, and shot up to follow her girlfriend to the bathroom. Amity was already halfway undressed when Luz entered, causing said girl to have a huge nosebleed.

"See something you like, Noceda?" Amity smirked, starting the water and finishing undressing. Luz shook her head, and quickly joined Amity in the shower after shedding her clothes as well. Amity was standing there, arms crossed over her chest, a red blush very visible on her pale cheeks. "Lets get this over with." She muttered, clearly flustered. 

Luz gained a Cheshire-like grin and pinned Amity against the wall, earning a surprised squeak from the teal-haired witch. "Hey Amity~ I think I just found something better than post-practice cuddles."

"What might that be?" Amity asked, before gasping as Luz kissed her exposed neck.

"Hm~ Maybe some nice shower fun~" Luz teased between open-mouthed kisses. Amity yelped a little when Luz raked her teeth against her collarbone. Luz worked her way up Amity's neck again, before finally pressing her lips firmly against the shorter girls, getting a quiet moan. Amity reached up to tangle her hands in the Latinas wet hair, pulling on it slightly as she ran her fingers through it. Luz finally broke the kiss when she ran out of air, leaving both girls gasping, quiet whines for more escaping Amity's lips. Quickly, Luz recaptured her lovers lips, running her hands up Amity's sides before finally gripping her small breasts firmly. A shocked squeak escaped Amity, before being quickly replaced with a moan.

When Luz pulled away again, she took a minute to admire the view. Amity's face was flushed, ears down, panting, with water cascading down her body. Her eyes were lidded, and filled with thinly veiled lust. Luz smirked at the pale witch, before sinking down a little to lick one of her pert nipples. Amity let out a loud moan at the feeling. If possible, Luz's smirk got wider as she took Amity's right breast in her mouth, swirling her tongue against the sensitive bud. "Oh gods!" Amity moaned. Luz began to alternate between the right and left. Every time she switched, she would add a nip that got harder each time until she was biting the other witch hard enough to almost break the skin. Amity was moaning so loudly, it would be considered a scream if she was moaning any louder. Luz finally released her breasts with an audible pop.

"Now then~" The Latina witch purred. "Why not move on to the main event~" She then slipped her fingers down to Amity's core and began to rub at her folds with a finger. Amity did the same for Luz, except she slipped a finger in almost immediately. Luz jumped at the sudden intrusion, and accidentally shoved 2 of her fingers into the smaller girl. Amity gave a choked moan that told Luz all she needed to know. Luz began to pump her fingers, moaning as she felt Amity do the same. Both girls felt their minds slip away from them as they approached release. When it came to who was the first to cum, Amity did. She screamed as she came, eyes lighting up from the intensity of the orgasm. Luz came almost immediately after, forcing her lips onto Amity's as her pussy gushed.

After they pulled themselves together, they finished showering and stumbled to bed. Amity collapsed face-first onto the bed, where as Luz crawled next to her and wrapped her arms around her waist. "So, new tradition?" Luz asked.

"Maybe a victory prize. Every game you win, I'll have shower sex with you." 

"I'll take it." Luz replied, nuzzling into Amity's neck. "G'night Ami."

"Goodnight, you dorky otter."


Here you go! Done with one of the many requests I had. You can thank lumityonly for this one. I'm going to start working on the next one immediately, so keep an eye out! That's all.



Word Count: 776

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