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'my hearts a stereo, it beats for you'

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'my hearts a stereo, it beats for you'

[one week later]

@guccitae posted a photo;

♡ 3kguccitae- why did i have to fuck everything up

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♡ 3k
guccitae- why did i have to fuck everything up.
i'm sorry.

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taehyung couldn't stop thinking of what he did wrong, he yelled, he assumed, he misunderstood it. everything he thought he did was his fault.

if he would've told him the reason behind everything.. maybe this wouldn't of happened.

i fucking hate myself.

taehyung shut his phone off, still overthinking and thinking about the same thing.

15 minutes passing.. a sudden ding was heard from the boys phone.

💬 @jeon_cena sent a message;

hey taehyung, can we talk?
meet me at the café in 20.

read 4:54 pm

in all honesty, taehyung was still afraid to talk to jungkook because of everything. pathetic he feels like. he missed him, he missed them.

'i'm already so tired and it's only 5 pm. what the past could do to you.'

café scene

jungkook was already seated in one of the tables in the café, patiently waiting for taehyung to show up for their meet. for all he knows he could've stood him up, he wouldn't be surprised after things went down months ago and approximately a week ago.

scrolling through his phone, photos of him and taehyung to be exact. the happy memories they used to have, down the drain.

misunderstandings go a long way for misery you could say. is it possible for mistakes to be fixed?

taehyung shortly arrived to the café, opening the doors and quickly spotting the other male. he sees the other on his phone so there wasn't a way for him to notice he was there until being approached.

"hey.." taehyung said with a faded smile. jungkook noticed and quickly shut and put his phone down and replied with a hi, gesturing for the other to take a seat.

"so.. why did you want to meet?"

there was quite the silence between the two, jungkook was trying to figure out what he wanted to say before speaking and saying something he wasn't thinking of.

"i'm sorry for everything, everything that happened. it wasn't my intention for it to and i really wished you told me why you were leaving instead of basically ghosting me in the meantime. if i knew this nothing would've happened, i'm truly sorry for my mistakes taehyung." the boy proceeded.

taehyung was shy, he felt horribly bad for the pain he caused to the poor boy. but he couldn't blame him for what he did. instead of confronting him, he left him in the dust broken like he was.


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