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Finn x dottie

Finn pov : I wish I could just get the courage to tell her

Maybe I could read some poems maybe?

Me: or you could just man up and ask her out

Finn: no no *blushing*  I can't

Me: why not Finn I know you really like her

Finn: but what if she rejects me then what?

Me: ok here's a question here is a glass of water is it half full or half empty?

Finn: half full why?

Me: well it shows all you need is a boost how about this I get her to meet you in the secret library ok

Finn: ok t thanks

Me: your welcome

A little bit later

In the secret library

Dottie: hey Finn kat said you wanted to talk

Finn: I yeah um actually maybe this isn't the right time and

Dottie pushes Finn up Against the wall pinning him to the wall holding his wrist

Finn : Dottie

Dottie: any time you wanna talk you just walk away what's wrong Finn

Finn: it's nothing Dottie " blushing a little*

Dottie: that's not true , tell me Finn

Finn: I can't

Dottie: oh really

Finn: Dottie what are you doing *blushing dark red*

Dottie: I'm trying to figure out what's wrong

Finn: there's nothing wrong hehe

Dottie: your little laugh says other wise

Finn: I

Dottie: Finn I know your hiding something

Finn: ah I , I

Finn leans in quickly and kisses Dottie

Finn: blushing dark blood red*

Finn: I I * crying a little* I'm sorry I need to go

Dottie: your not going anywhere not until I do this
Dottie kisses Finn

Finn: you like me

Dottie: of course
Finn: hehe aww now I feel like a idiot

Dottie: you cute when your flustered

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