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Goldie x toy chica

Goldie: i don't know freddy I just get flustered easy

Freddy: goldie you like her just tell her

Goldie: I don't know how to fee

Freddy: oh my little brother I'll teach ya

So you just walk up to her ask her out simple

Goldie:  what do I have to offer

Freddy: well one thing your cute as a button 2 your polite 3 your sweet and a gentlemen and you can make anyone happy your special

Goldie: thanks Freddy

Freddy: anytime little brother now let's go get you a boutique of flowers

Goldie: ok 😊

Freddy: here* roses 🌹*

Goldie: thanks Freddy

Goldie: hey tc,

Tc: yeah Goldie

Goldie: I I was wondering if you would

Tc: if I would what?

Goldie: "blushing* if you would go out with me

Tc: yes

Goldie: really!😃

Tc: yep

Tc kisses Goldie

Goldie:* blushes* I uh

Freddy: * clapping* that was adorable

Goldie: Freddy!😳😳😳😳

Freddy: you did great Goldie

Tc: come on Goldie

Goldie: ok we're going to watch a movie freddy

Freddy: ok have fun

3 hours later

Freddy : I told you i haven't heard any noise coming from them

Freddy and chica watching tc and Goldie sleeping

Freddy: let's just let them sleep

Chica: yeah
Freddy: you know there asleep

Chica  kisses Freddy

Freddy:* mhm*

Goldie: Freddy?

Freddy: oh my sorry did we wake you up

Goldie: no Freddy you didn't

Freddy: ok go back to sleep

Goldie: ok

Goldie:*sleeping 😴😴*

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