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Goldie: today is the day I'm going to confess my feelings

Freddy: ok little brother you tell me what he says ok

Goldie: ok Freddy

I had to find him first tho but I did eventually

Goldie: hey Bonnie

Bonnie: hey Goldie what's up

Goldie: well i  was  wondering if

Foxy: hey Bonnie

What Goldie saw broke his heart

So he made up a excuse

Bonnie: what were you saying Goldie

Goldie: I just wanting to see what your doing but I got to get back to freddy

I got back

Freddy: hey how did it- go! Goldie your crying

Goldie: I I'm fine I'm fine

Freddy: no your not I can see it you know

Goldie: I

Freddy:* pulls Goldie in a tight hug* hey it's ok little brother it's ok calm down 

Goldie: Freddy I'm tired

Freddy: ok Goldie you lay in my arms and rest ok

Goldie: ok bubby

Freddy pov: there we go he's nice and snug and safe

Goldie: * sleeping and purring*

Fyi Freddy is petting him that's why he's purring

Freddy: here we go all snug in bed

Goldie: bub will you stay pls

Freddy: ok I'll stay Goldie

I ended up cuddling him to relax him

Freddy: ok he's asleep

Freddy: his breathing is back to normal that's good I'll go make breakfast


Freddy is making breakfast

Chica: Freddy

Freddy: ah hey chica hehe

Chica: are you cooking

Freddy: yeah I'm making Goldie something bless he's little heart

Chica: what happened

Freddy: he confessed or he found out Bonnie didn't like him I couldn't really get it out of him

Chica: ok

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