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~3 Years Later~

3 years have passed ever since Athanasia Claudia De Algar Obelia was born, she was now currently 3,her brother's are now 7 years old. She live in the Emerald palace with her older brother's even though the palace itself was for princesses that didn't stop the both of them to stay with their little sister

Call them overprotective but their will answer you the same thing

'It's better to be overprotective than not, is it not? That's what they get as a reply

"Big brother Athan, Big brother Clay, can we see momma and papa?" A cute voice ask as the cute blonde hair toddler stare at her older brother with a cute expression

'She's so cute' Athanacious and Clay thought at the same time

"Of course, Little sister" Clay answer as Athanacious carry her in a piggy back ride while Clay was following behind

Once they arrive at Claude's palace they quickly went to his and their mom's room,they knock 3 times before the door open and revealed Diana in her night gown

"What are you doing here Athy,Athan, Clay?" Diana ask "it's already night you should be in your bed now" Diana added just then Claude shows up, he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw his 3 children in front of their room

"papa, momma can Athy sleep with you?" Athanasia ask cutely shocking the twin who recovered from their shock then pouted

"I though you just want to see them" Athanacious said "yeah" Clay agreed

"how about you sleep with your brother's then let's all have breakfast tomorrow then at night i'll sleep at your palace is that alright?" Diana ask

"Ok, bye-bye momma papa" Athansia said while pouting as she peck both her parent's cheeks then grab both her brother's hands

"Let's go Little sister" Athanacious said as he led his twin and his little sister back to the emerald palace

"Claude i'll go with them" Diana said as she face her husband with a smile

"Then i'll come with you" Claude said but stopped when his wife shook her head no

"I'll just escort them alright see you later" Diana said as she give a peck on Claude's cheeks before running towards their 3 kids little did they know that will be the last time they will see her

In A Dark Tree Near The Emerald Palace

"You should have choose me Diana,Instead of that pathetic brother of mine, If i can't have you then no one can" the man in black said as he smirk within the darkness his black eyes glowed it turn into one of those Jeweled blue eyes

Back With Diana And The Kids

"Good night momma, elder brothers'" Athanasia said as she was tuck in by her brother's ane her mother who followed them after

Once Diana's sure that her 3 children is asleep she kissed them all at the foreheads before leaving the room,

"Lily if ever something bad happen to me please take care of my children especially Athanasia since she was my baby girl" Diana said as she face Lilian with a serious face

"What are you saying your Majesty it's not like something bad will happen---" Diana cut her off as she grab Lily's hand with a pained expression on her face, desperation and pleading is visible in both her pink eyes

"just promise me" Diana said "I-i don't know if i should be telling you this but Anastacious is my past lover before, before i even met Claude Anastacious and i have been dating secretly and when i found out the truth that he is also seeing Claude's ex-fiancee i broke up with him, I-I think his still alive and is out there waiting to kill me so you have to promise me that you'll protect them" Diana said leaving Lilian speechless but manage to nod none the less

And before she could even register what Diana had said,Diana was gone, her mind wasn't blank anymore and she manage to register what she said she run after Diana. When she was outside when she was a bit far from the Emerald palace her eyes widen in horror in what she saw so she screamed loudly waking the twins along with Athanasia,Claude and Felix

They all quickly run where the scream came from and when they arrive their eyes widen at the display, Lilian's eyes where wide and full of tears

"what happen?" Claude ask in a very furious tone

"Papa what is happening?" Athanasia ask as she rub her eyes, Claude blink before facing his youngest child who has an innocent look one her face, Claude stood up from where he was crouching before carrying his daughter

"Felix, find out who dare did this to the empress but for now dress up Diana in a white dress and prepare a coffin for her" Claude ordered coldly as he cover Athansia's eyes

"Athanacious, Clay you two will be sleeping with me along with your sister" Claude said as he-as he swallow his pain and the urge to cry-face his two son and with that the the four of them leave with Athanasia-completely unaware of what just occurred-in her father's arm

Over Protective Brother and Father {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now