Confession (Kazunari × Reader)

21 0 0

Story Type: Steamy🔥

(Y/N) = Your Name

(N/N) = Nickname 

(H/L) = Hair length

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

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You flopped down on the couch in the lounge, dropping your purse and keys to the floor with a thump.

You had a very busy day that day. This morning, you had helped out Izumi with summer troupes morning practice. Then you had your collage classes to go to. Then after that you had to work the rest of the evening at you part time job at the local cafe. Plus, to top it all off, you didnt really sleep good the night before either.

You were exhausted! 

You layed down on the couch and curled up into a tight ball. You pulled the cat ear hoodie of your light pink sweatshirt over your head. No one was in the dorm's lounge at the moment, you had it all to yourself. You decided to take advantage of the quiet and rest for a minute before heading back to your room. 


You burried your head into your knees as you pulled your legs closer to you. You started playing with a stray string that hung from your ripped shorts.

It would be fine. No one was gonna be back for a while yet. Plus, you were just resting.

You wiggled deeper into the couch.

"It would be fine." 

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"Hey (N/N)!"

Your eyes slowly fluttered open to the sound of someones voice. You looked up and saw Kazurani Miyoshi. He was whereing his signature outfit, his hat, ripped black jeans, blue jacket, and his white shirt that said three 3 times. (Which you thought was pretty clever) His bright green eyes looked down at you, his hand gently rested on your shoulder. 

"Hey sleeping beauty!" He smiled. "You probably should sleep in your bed don't ya' think?" 

Did he just call you sleeping beauty?

You smiled and let out a big yawn.

"Oh! Um....H-Hey Kazzy." 

His already big smile became bigger when you called him Kazzy. You loved calling him that. It was a nickname that only you were aloud to call him. 

"Sorry, I was just super tired. I had a busy day today." You slowly sat up on the couch. 

How long have you been sleeping?

"Yeah, I feel ya'. I totes had a busy day too!" He smiled. "I'm legit tired!"

You found yourself gazing back up at Kazurani. He was always so happy and sweet. You loved being around him. It always made you feel happier, even if you were in a cruddy mood. 

Ever sence you moved into the Mankai dorm to help out your older cousin Izumi, you've found yourself drawn to his sweet personality. You began to like him more and more as the days went on. You always looked forward to seeing him every day. You guess you could say that you've kinda developed a slight crush on him.

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