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dear y/n, 

today was the first time we met, september 1, 1993; in the 3rd year of hogwarts. as stupid as i am, i only saw you from afar when i met you. you were going up the stairs into the train with your friends, laughing and smiling brightly. i knew the first time i saw you, i was deeply in love. 

as i walked into the train, i skimmed through the departments, trying to find the beautiful face of yours again. i became desperate as i walked to the next department over and over. but then i saw you. you dreamily looked out from the window, waving at whoever was behind the window. one of your friends called out your name. "y/n" your name made me fall even more. i quickly walked away as i saw your head turn, afraid that you would catch me staring at you. 

as rubbish to say, even when i haven't physically met you. i know that you're the one for me. there's just a feeling inside me that explodes when i glance at you. 

i'll do anything to make you mine.

with all love,

neville longbottom. 

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