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dear my lovely y/n,

these past days, i've been trying to try to get rid of my feelings from you. I've been getting hurt to much and i felt miserable as i saw you and harry hangout every time. i know it's extremely stupid but I've just been feeling horrible and tired all the time. 

it's not your fault though. it's never your fault.

it is my fault. harry is way braver than me and knew how beautiful you are and took his chances. as much as i tried these past years, i just couldn't. like i said a few letters back, i'm just a coward.


harry announced that he will be starting a secret society, dumbledore's army. i guess i wasn't the only one who was fed up with umbridge and all the rules she has been doing to the school and the dark arts. i observed you signing the paper when we had that meeting in hogsmeade... i know it's kinda weird for me to do that, but i just can't help it. for my next goal is to try and practise with you when we have our meetings. not to hurt you of course, i know this is a class to learn defensive spells, but i would rather flunk than to ever hurt you. that's also a reason why i want to partner up with you... i don't want someone else to hurt you. it'll just stress me out so much to see you fly in the air and fall hard on the cold ground, unconscious... i don't ever want to ever see that.

i'm keeping my promises, i'll always protect you.

truly yours forever,

neville longbottom.

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