I will treat her better 🧡

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Me and Louis where out on a date drinking coffee with a black outfit and black shades like some badass's I mean cmon look at us (in ur mind) we look badass I mean next to the window and everything! Not the point today we where in a challenge,in our show it's a scene where we get caught and I take my life against devins will and my mom find out and she shoot devin but I got shot and we have to do this shit for the scene
You guys get the set
Your mom:darling I'm sorry I have to kill him
Y:you won't shoot him if you shoot me first
L:Maddy,think about this! Let her kill me plz! You tried to save me as my family! You failed and try to fix that! Let me die!
Y:devin,I can't let you go these 3 months of knowing each other it's like a winning game! I can't let that go..
*you mom pulls the trigger and "kills" you*
Y:you fall to the floor
L:no,no no NO! Don't die on me! Plz!!! I need you to live- I need you to save me- i never got to say-I loved you! PLEASE GOD HELP ME!!! LIVE GOT DAM IT! PLEASE!!
*he does CPR*
Your mom:she's dead
L:you can say that! I won't! *gets up*
Your mom:she's shot ok and she was a whore anyways
L:your daughter?! YOUR the one who told her to kill me,YOUR the one who taught her,raised her ITS YOUR FAULT WHAT EVERY SHE DID!
Y:*wakes up and gets a gun that was on the floor*
L:And I don't care if she is a whore or a slut! If anyone was watching I would still kiss her! I would still watch her after parties I would do anything to treat her like a person unlike how you raised her! You raised her like a toy! All she wanted was a father AND SHE DIDNT EVEN GET THAT BECAUSE YOU KILLED HIM! You fuck you! FUCK.YOU!
Y:*shoots her moms heart*
L:*turns around to see you covered in blood with a gun*maddy... *hugs you*
L:I don't understand you got shot,I saw you *gets kisses*
Y:I told you you can't kill me
Y:let's get out of here take me to a hospital?
L:yeah-yeah umm what about her?
Y:cops are on there way so if she where alive she would be in jail
L:I love you
Y:yeah yeah take me to a hospital
(Back to the story sheesh I almost cryed)
Your agent:ok so y/n go out on a gown for the hospital part and Louis we have to smear blood on your wrist
Y:alright so you later lousy *you kiss Louis's cheek*
Your agent:she loves you a lot huh?
Louis:yeah I think I'm got to marry her in two years
Your agent:a lot can change in two years so let's hope you get married to her
Louis:I hope that to
Your agent:get but if you don't well I'm sorry
Louis:if she doesn't I can't imagine how my life should be like
Your agent:wdym?
Louis:I mean she taught me so many things she just is my world like all those things I said even tho it was acting.....I mean it
Your agent:well I wish you luck a lot I mean it's hard being a post teen
Louis:I just want to treat her like a queen you know? Like I just want to have her in my life as my wife of gf or fiancé anything!
Your agent:ok we will talk later but you have to go shoot your scene
Louis:ok got it so I wait in the chair?
Your agent:yep you sit on the chair take the clothes the muse gives you and change into it
Louis:got it!
*your agent and Louis didn't realize but you heard everything they said and you thought of an idea for something*
Nurse:and here is your change of clothes,if you need a bigger size just tell the front desk
L:got it
Y:your going to change?
L:yeah ima go to the bathroom I will be back
*he leaves*
Director:now go!
Y:*you get out of your bed and throw away all the stuff to kill you and take the stuff that can help you*
Y:why the fuck is that a taste? *gags*

You continue to take the medicine and you get the medicine for your wounds to and get back on your bed
Doctor:ok so Maddy right?
Y:oh yeah!
Doctor:ok so the cops have some questions for you and after that we will give you the medication for your wounds
Y:ok thanks you
*cop enters*
Cop:ok so we will start the questions
Cop:and tell me if something is to personal so I can skip it
Y:got it
Cop:so how did this happen
Y:so my mom told me to kill someone and I faked it and I tried to hind the person because if I didn't kill him my mom would kill me or his family
Cop:ok and so she shot you?
Y:no she tried to torture me by like beating me to death but devin stopped it and then she threatened me and shot me
Cop:ok so from what you told me we are going to let you off and you will have to do something about your mothers things and funeral
Y:ok thank you sir
Doctor:ok! Now that he's gone we will check you maddy
*he checks you and you are good from all the medicine and shit you took*
Doctor:ok so turns out you've healed no infection or anything I will just wrap your shoulder from the shot ok?
Y:yeah that's fine
Doctor: ok ima get a female doctor to do that I have got a patient waiting for me

*she wraps you up and you change and are free to go*
Y:*gets out of room and sees Louis/devin on the floor*
Y:are you crying devin?
L:no! Yes.
Y:look at me
L:why'd you do that?
Y:I heard you
L:oh about that I'm sorry for you about your mom
Y:it's ok I want to be with you
Y:yeah so cmon and also...my moms killer house is legally mine now
Y:i mean like a sick house
L:well ditch our warehouse let's go!
Director:CUT! You guys did amazing! You guys are free to go and we will call you back for filing tomorrow SEASON 1 EPISODE 8 IS DONE! Everyone!

A/n hey y'all so umm this is the reason why it's called pause and play now because well play is the movie and pause the movie slowly turns you and Louis to a better relationship no other reason......

The emojis of the chapter are....
skater! 🖤🚬⛓😈

Love at first sight//Louis partridge Where stories live. Discover now