Eddies bday🎶

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So it was jack birthday and you wanted to do something special,you told the whole group to not wish him a happy birthday and come to your house for a surprise and get some shit for his birthday bitches!!!
—everyone comes to your house—
Y:ok since everyone is here everyone has a gift except for me so ima get him one really quick
L:can I come baby?
Y:then whose ganna watch the house!
L:Caleb he's older!
C:ima pass
N:I will go with y/n
L:umm no
M:I will go everyone be quiet if jack comes pretend no one is home if he comes
Everyone:got it!
—you guys go to a skateboard store—
M:so what are you getting him
Y:the most expensive shit I know he wants
M:can you like not swear?
Y:no now cmon!
M:what is this thing that he wanted
Y:this! *holds up a skateboard*
M:he already has a skateboard!
Y:but not the one I ordered!
Y:ok this place you can make a costume skateboard! So I made one with me and jack and it's on the top and they are putting clear grip on it
M:yeah yeah I Heard nothing
Y:the order should be ready in like....3 minutes ago
M:so where is it
Y:I have to ask them
—time skip—
You got the skateboard and it's all ready and wrapped up and you guys went home
Y:ok where here open the door please
M:ok got it
F:yeah yeah millie!
M:hi finn *they hug*
Y:ok I got jack present and he should be here in 
*door bell rings*
Y:2 seconds
L:ok ima get it and we all say happy birthday after he sit on the couch y/n come and you know act like he's crazy
Y:ok every understand?
L:ok 1.........2.............*opens door*
L:what's up man?
J:everyone had been ignoring me since this morning
L:why whats wrong
J:you forgot too!
Y:forgot what?
J:bestie! Please tell me you didn't forget!
Y:do we need to talk in the other room?
J:YES! Now!
Y:cmon *you guys go*
Y:so what's wrong?
J:everyone forgot!
J:my special day!
Y:your anniversary with cylia?
Y:our anniversary of friends?
Y:OH your special day!
Y:I can't believe I forgot about the day you started acting huh I'm dumb
J:you are *grabs your hand and pulls you to the living room*
L:you ok?
J:why would you ask?
L:you just dragged y/n from upstairs to downstairs
J:sorry *sits on couch*
J:what the hell guys!
S:sorry for ignoring you
M:it was y/N's idea
J:ugh where food
M:so when can we open the presents we got you?
J:*drops food* where are they?
Y:hey! You dropped the best sauce I own!
J:you can but more!
Y:it's the kind my mom made
J:oh shit I'm am sooooooo sorry plz make more that stuff is good
*caleb and finn come into the room
C:we got the presents
F:y/n what the hell did you get jack in this large ass box!
Y:we will see
—time skip to when he opens your box—
Y:do you like it!?
Y:do you like it or not!
J:*starts to cry*
Y:Jackie! *you went and gave him a hug*
M:awwww *takes a picture*
N:you guys are cute
L:hey! She my gf!
N:and she's my friend!
J:and I'm her bestie I win!
L&N:how do you win
N:don't copy me!
L:blah blah
J:I win because I'm her bestie and if Louis cheats she has me by her back
Y:you like the skateboard or not!
J:yes and thanks! *hugs you*
J:and you put it in grip so it doesn't get ruined!
Y:and so you can hang it up on your wall if you don't wanna use it!
J:you can hang a skateboard from the grip
Y:flip it!
J:*flips it over and it shows A side picture of you guys*
J:yep ima hang it up
Y:your welcome *hugs (again)*
J:I love you y/n
Y:me too
L:why do I feel like a side piece?
Y:*gives a face*
L:oh I ruined the moment got you
J:thanks y/n,like I mean really this is the best thing I have gotten as wall decor
Y:ooh I forgot something
S:what did you forget?
Y:so everyone know about me and Louis's tv series right?
Y:yell jack show them my lastest into post
L:just do it!
Y:plz I did this for your birthday
J:ok! *checks*
Y:read it out loud
J:hey guys it's y/n I'm sure most people have been begging for a release date on me and Louis series aka "Master Minds"(I renamed it) The first 2 seasons are going I be out the day after jack birthday September 4th!
Y:yeah I we got to finish in the summer and they edited it and everything already!
S:woah woah woah so what does this mean?
Y:we are all going to sleep over tonight and watch the show tomorrow afternoon!
C:your letting us stay here?
Y:yeah the couch turns into like a hugs ass two part bed and the basement works for 4 of y'all
L:so that would leave Sadie Caleb Millie and Finn In the basement and Noah jack cylia and gaten down here
J:so I have to tell cylia to come here huh?
Y:if you want you can ask her tomorrow
J:ima Invite her!

Kill me.🔫 this took three days for ideas

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