Chapter 12

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Hyungwon watched them from afar as Hoseok nudged him, earning his attention. "What's wrong with you?" Hyungwon shrugged and played with his glass, deep in his thoughts.

Hoseok looked around, searching for the reason for his sudden mood change. His eyes met with Jungkook's figure and quickly widened. He noticed the girl chatting with him as he concluded that the girl might be Hyungwon's.

"Is Jeon Jungkook with your girl?" Hyungwon looked at him surprised as Hyunwoo looked in Hoseok's direction. "How did you know it's Y/n? Have you been stalking us?"

Hoseok chuckled and shook his head. "I just thought of it. Lucky guess." Hyungwon sighed and nodded his head, turning his attention back to Y/n. "Don't pull off that Kdrama shit with me. You're not Lee Minho."

Hyungwon furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding Hoseok's words. "You aren't going to get jealous and get mad at her right? Like how they did in the dramas. I know you're handsome and have that main lead vibe but that doesn't mean you have to."

Hyungwon rolled his eyes and shook his head. "It might look cliche, but that's what happens in real life. We got jealous and got mad when we see our significant other happier with someone else. It's our nature. That's what makes us human." Hyunwoo chuckled as their attention directed to Hyunwoo.

"I'm sorry but I can't help thinking that you sound like you're in a drama." Hyungwon rolled his eyes and shook his head, standing up. "I'm going to pull that Kdrama thing better than Lee Minho." Hyungwon spoke as he walked straight towards Y/n's table.

He stood behind Y/n and glared at Jungkook, earning his attention. "What a surprise to meet you here, Chae Hyungwon." Y/n widened her eyes and turned around, quickly met her eyes with Hyungwon's. Hyungwon looked at her blankly and sighed, turning his gaze back to Jungkook.

"What are you doing with her? You know she's mine." Jungkook grinned and shrugged, adding fuel to the fire. Hyungwon looked at Y/n calmly, knowing he won't get any explanation from Jungkook.

"Let's go home. It's getting late." Y/n nodded quietly, afraid Hyungwon would get mad if she spoke out any words. Y/n looked at Jungkook apologetically and exited the restaurant while Hyungwon stood still in front of Jungkook.

"You know you don't have any right to be happy, aren't you?" Jungkook's expression changed as soon as Hyungwon utter the words. He looked at him sadly as he clenched his fist, holding in his emotion.

Hyungwon exited the restaurant and held Y/n's wrist, making her looked straight at him. "What are you doing with him? It's late at night, already. I've told you to go home. You should've told me, at least." 

Y/n looked down and fiddled with her fingers, feeling guilty. "I know you wouldn't like the idea of me having dinner with him, so I don't tell you about it. I'm sorry." Hyungwon sighed and pulled her into a hug, his hand wrapped around his waist and the other behind her back, gently rubbing it.

"He's not someone you can hang around, please listen to me. Be careful of him." Y/n nodded her head, listening to his advice. "Let's go home." Hyungwon nodded his head as they walked hand in hand towards the bus station.

Hyungwon called a cab as they got in and went straight to their apartment. Hyungwon took a deep breath and sighed as he stared at the window, trying to get himself a grip.

He cannot lash out on Y/n just like before, it might scared her. He looked at Y/n, leaning on his chest while sleeping peacefully. Hyungwon smiled longingly and caressed her hair, admiring her beauty.

Time went by fast as the cab stopped in front of their apartment. Hyungwon paid for the ride and wrapped Y/n's arms around his neck as he carefully picked her up, hoping he wouldn't disturb her sleep.

He laid her down on bed and sighed, relieved that he managed to keep his anger in. He covered her with the blanket and left the room, taking out a bottle of soju.

He poured himself a glass, hoping to lift off his anger. He held the glass tightly, still thinking of Jungkook. He clenched his jaw as he reminisce about their incident.


A punch landed on Jooheon's face as his body touched the floor, his consciousness slowly fading away. But Jungkook didn't stop, he kept on kicking his stomach and throwing another punch.

Hyungwon panicked as he kept on calling Jungkook's name, begging him to stop punching their friend. The referee held Jungkook tightly, stopping him from going further.

The medics rushed towards Jooheon, carrying him on the stretcher, taking him away.

Y/n held his hand, preventing him from drinking as he looked at her with a surprised look on his face. "Aren't you asleep?" Y/n nodded her head and hugged him tightly.

"Are you alright? You don't look fine to me." Hyungwon shrugged and held her back tightly. "I don't know what I'm feeling myself. I felt anger, sad, guilty at the same time, but those feelings are useless."

Y/n loosened the hug as her hands reached for his hair, playing with it slightly. "Why?" Hyungwon grinned as he leaned closer, slightly brushing his nose against hers.

"Because you're here with me now."

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