Part 3 | The vintage penthouse

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After seeing the decoration of the duplex, Blaine starts wondering how he would like to decorate the house that he's moving in with Sebastian. It should be easy to decide. He knows they have similar taste regarding furniture, because their respective current apartments look pretty alike.

Both of their living rooms are furnished with leather, modern, fairly big couches, a little coffee table, and a nice TV with its corresponding cabinet – filled with movies and music records in Blaine's case, and a collection of books in Sebastian's.

Sebastian's kitchen is more modern than Blaine's, even though Sebastian cooks a lot less than his boyfriend. He usually eats at the office or orders takeout, while Blaine is always cooking for himself. That's one of the reasons why Blaine told Sebastian that he would have the final word about the kitchen when they move in together. If he's going to cook, he gets to decide how he wants to do it.

Their bedrooms are what differ the most from one another. Not because they have different furniture – after all, a bed, a nightstand and a closet are pretty standard. It's because of the vibe. Blaine's room looks warm and peaceful, while Sebastian's looks cold and stressed. It's because whenever Sebastian works from home, he does it from the desk next to his bed, so his bedroom is also his workplace. Blaine even notices the tension that he usually builds up in that room.

Sebastian really needs an individual office at their new place, because Blaine doesn't want to have that tension in their future bedroom.

Blaine's room is the most comfortable one. And that's because he only uses it to sleep, to read, and to have sex. All happy things. He leaves the frustration of being unable to write a song for the corner of the living room where the piano is located. And so far, it's working just fine for him.

But Blaine still wonders. He brings up the subject about their future home's decoration a couple times with Sebastian, but his boyfriend tells him that they still have time to figure it out. They don't even have the apartment yet, so there's still time. Blaine knows he's right, so he just agrees and tries not to think about it.

Until he finds himself in front of a furniture store, and he feels a strong desire to get in, and see every piece of furniture that they could have in their new home. He wants to fall in love with a couch, and picture that couch in the next apartment that Kurt shows him. He wants to start materializing it, because it's really happening. He and Sebastian are moving in together, sooner or later. And he needs to feel that it's real.

So he enters the furniture store. First, he meets a bunch of couches, chairs, and console tables on sale, but he doesn't spend too much time looking at them. It's going to take long until they actually buy the new furniture, and those won't be on sale by then, so it doesn't matter. He moves on to the next section, where at least thirty couches are lined up, forming hallways between them.

Blaine walks through the sea of couches, and a few catch his attention. He tries three of them, sitting on the cushions to test the comfort, and he feels satisfied with the second one. However, when he looks at the price, he forgets all about it. It's not that they don't have the money, but they're not going to spend that much on a couch.

He leaves the couches behind and finds the kitchen section, where he's relieved to see that there are no solid color melamine counters. All of them are made of wood, and he spends most of his time in that section looking up the ones with a lighter shade.

He's particularly fond of a counter with a marble countertop and beige cabinet doors, but he doesn't want to check the price. If it's too expensive, he'll be disappointed. But if it's a reasonable price, or even worse, cheap, he can't promise that he won't buy it on a whim.

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