Chapter 1

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I remember on several occasions when Michael and I would hang out together, sometimes including Jason. We would always joke and laugh with each other, teasing one another, shall I say, and I always had a thought in the back of my mind on how beautiful he is, and how I love looking into his big, brown eyes, and that smile... His smile often made me melt inside. He always makes me feel good and different about myself, just being in his presence, and I felt attractive to him at times. But I never revealed my feelings in that way. I didn't want to disrespect our friendship or my relationship with Jason. So I kept it to myself, and acted like I only liked him as my friend, nothing more.

Although a few times, I had a notion that Michael might've felt the same. I say this because I specifically remember one day, we were playing and joking around, and I had tripped and fell into his arms and our eyes locked for a brief second. Michael looked away with a shy look on his face for a second, before turning back and saying, "Are you alright? Looks like you fell for me there." At first I was speechless, but then I just laughed and said, "Oh Michael. I couldn't be the only one who's fallen for you, and I certainly won't be the last." We both just stared at each other, and finally we both started laughing. But it was at that moment, before we both burst into laughter, that I thought Michael could have been feeling me out, but then again, it was probably all in my head. But I just couldn't shake the feeling of that day. No. Not at all. I will always remember it.

At that point, I was going through the whole ordeal of Jason cheating on me. I really needed a friend and Michael has always been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. He even tried calling a few times, but I just wasn't up for talking. I was too busy drowning in my tears and hiding in my shame. I couldn't even bring myself to get out of bed for several weeks. I just wasn't in the mood to socialize. But Michael tried. I'll give him that.

I finally called Michael, and he picked up on the first ring, as if he knew I was going to call.

"Hello? Melody?"

It was great to hear his voice again. He sounds so sweet, but before I can answer him, he keeps talking.

"Oh my god! I was so worried! I tried to call you, but you never pick up. I thought something had happened to you! Are you alright?"

As I'm listening to him ask me questions of his concerns, I couldn't help but think how sexy he sounded on the phone. I've never heard him sound so sensual. OH MY GOD. What am I saying? He sounds sensual? I'm tripping... Wait a minute. His concerns for me sound like.. No.. It couldn't be.. He doesn't know, does he? I wasn't for sure if he knew about Jason cheating on me, besides, I really just wanted to hear his voice again, so I tried to answer him.

"Yes..No.. Michael.. Jason and I.."

Michael cut me off  before I could finish.

"Its okay, my sweet Melody. I heard and I am so sorry. I can't imagine on what you might be going through. I'm so furious with Jason for putting you through such dishonesty! It's disgusting! How could he hurt you like that!"

WHAT? Did he just say "my sweet Melody"? I don't think I heard him right. I must be tripping. But Michael just continued on, pouring out his concerns for me.

"Jason betrayed you, and for that reason, he don't deserve you. He didn't deserve your love. He didn't appreciate you. You deserve better. I hate what he has done to you, my sweet Melody."

I know I heard it that time. He said "sweet Melody".

"Oh Michael, I feel so ashamed, but how did you know why I was calling? Who told you?"

Michael got quiet for a minute before he answered my questions. Why was he so quiet now?

"Michael? You still there?"

A minute passed, and then he spoke.

"Yes Melody, I'm still here."

He paused again for a moment as if he were trying to gather his thoughts. I heard him sigh, as if he had to tell me something, but he didn't know if he should.

"Michael? Are you okay? Why are you so quiet?"

I then remembered that I asked him how he knew Jason has cheated on me. I think that's why he was hesitant to answer. But I still just really wanted to hear his voice. Of course I wanted an answer, but I really only wanted to hear him. His voice is soothing and I love listening to him talk. He don't talk much at first, but once you get to know him, he's a chatterbox.

He finally starts talking.

"I have a confession, and please, hear me out, cause I can explain on how I knew about Jason cheating on you. I don't want you to hate me for what I'm about to say.."

"Oh Michael, I could never, ever hate you! You've been such a good friend to me, and even that lousy Jason! Why you think that of me?"

He sighed really loud before continuing.

"Oh my god, Melody. Please! You're making it harder for me to say! I don't think I've been a good friend to you at all. Friends don't keep secrets from each other. Especially ones they truly love, and that's what I


I'm confused now, but strangely aroused by hearing his voice and how he's trying to explain himself. I can see how ashamed he is and it's something he's really sorry about. How could I ever hate him? He's so sweet, so kind, and so loving. I mean just look into his eyes. You can see the love that comes from them. Its so intoxicating, and very alluring. Michael has a sex appeal that he might not know about, or does he? Either way, he sure as hell got mine and every other woman attention without trying. Oh lord, help me.

So I try and console Michael, telling him it was okay, that he can talk to me, and he replied, "Okay, Melody. I knew Jason was cheating on you for a long time, too long in fact. I really wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I didn't want to be the reason you are split. I didn't want to lose you that way, and thinking about it was so harsh and too much to bear."

I'm not sure how to take this in. I mean, okay. This is how Michael knew about Jason cheating on me, but what I don't understand, is how he could have kept this from me, and why did it seem like there was an agenda for this reason? I can't help but wonder. So Michael just continued his pleas for my forgiveness as I was trying to wrap my brain around this whole twisted confession.

"Please don't hate me. I know friends are supposed to look out for one another, and I didn't do my part as your friend. I just care so much for you and I didn't want to lose you by telling you when you've confided in me time after time about Jason's indiscretions, that it was so heartbreaking to hear, so I just tried to comfort you and tell you it was all in your head and that you had nothing to worry about. I am so sorry for misusing you and your confidence in me. I wouldn't blame you for being angry at me. I don't deserve your forgiveness. You have ever reason to think I'm a horrible person for keeping this from you. I'm so, so, sorry Melody."

As I'm listening to his plea, I get the feeling there was more than he was leading on. He said he didn't want to lose me, and that he loves me and cares for me.. OH MY GOD! Is that a confession within a confession? Oh lord, I really want to believe that he's saying he wants to be more than friends... Is that it? God Melody, you're just delusional from a heart break! No way Michael could be the least bit interested in you! Get a grip! As I'm stuck in my thoughts, I can hear Michael getting worried about my silence.

"Melody? Are you still there? Oh please, talk to me! I'm so sorry! I just wanted to protect you from getting hurt! Please! Say something!"

Oh shit! I'm thinking way too much of this. Now he's asking me to talk to him.

"Yes Michael, I'm still here. Just deep in thought. Sorry I was so quiet, it's just that, well, it's okay Michael. I forgive you sweetie. Although there isn't anything to forgive, you were just trying to protect me like you said. Thank you. I'm just tired and I want to.. Well, I don't know what I want."

"Will you be okay, my angel? Do you need anything? Just ask me and I'll do it. Let me make it better by doing something for you."

I could tell by his voice he really wanted to help. He is so sweet. So I thought, well, I didn't want to be alone, so I asked of he'd come sit with me for a spell. He was happy I asked and I was happy he said yes.

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