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Hard work forever pays. Leaving her father, learning all the rituals and rites, and the constant training she had undergone to regain her power back have borne its fruit. 

Moonbyul has unlocked the 'Novissimus'. It was a mode in which the energy of a body get condensed to the core and unleash it. A few devils have reached this stage of being exceptionally powerful, including Lucifer.

The mode can last for up to 10 minutes but if one gets the hang of it, they would be capable of extending for 5 more minutes. However, it was not as simple as it sounds. She needed to learn how to control it and must be trained even harder to do so, especially for her as she has already lost her wings which made her an imbalanced vessel to bear the mode. The force could tear down her body. It was a two-edged sword.

The dry hot air was hard to breathe in. Moonbyul woke up to quench her thirst. Her body was partially burnt but she saw it healing faster than normal.

When she looked around, there was no one in sight. She was in the middle of the deserted area of Limbo. She couldn't remember what happened after she saved

Solar from the grip of the Hallow and how she ended up there. She sighed in anguish.

"Hey, don't move!", a voiced shouted. Moonbyul turned to the direction of the sound and saw Solar running towards her. "Here, I brought some water." Solar handed her the water container. Moonbyul had so many questions in her mind but the first to come out from her mouth was "Are you okay?"

Solar told her everything. How one of her fellow angels suspected her missing most of the time and followed her to the hideout secretly to find out about them. The conclusion of the council to ostracized Solar from heaven for committing a sin by siding with a devil and the vanquish of Moonbyul, a melagomaniac.

Solar tried to convince them but her words reached no ear. So she ran away and came to inform Moonbyul.

On the way, she encountered the Rus. After Moonbyul vanquished the Rus, her body was burnt and lost consciousness. That was the effect of the imperfect Novissimus. Solar took her and left the hideout because the warrior angels would be there to capture them and give their judgments.

"You could have gone back and sought for forgiveness", Moonbyul told Solar to make her realized she made a wrong choice by being with her.

"How could I leave you and save myself knowing you have done no harm? You may have sinned a lot but you had your reasons. It wasn't your fault that the outcome was different. It was your fate to be born in Hell in an inferior clan and got your mother killed. Why should I condemn you for wanting to gain power to avenge your mother? If I were in your place, I would have chosen the same path. They should give you a chance to reconsider your action rather than directly giving you a death penalty."

Moonbyul looked surprisingly at Solar. Solar stared back at Moonbyul. "I do not understand your little angelic mind. I am a devil by blood. The name itself describes me since my birth. And what? Reconsider my action and beg to give me a chance to be a good devil? I have chosen this path and I will walk on it till my last dirt of ash disperses in the air."

Solar knew there was no way a devil could be changed but she could feel that, despite being born as a devil, Moonbyul was not EVIL. All those times of her existence, Solar had been doing only one thing; healing. She was taught to learn how to give comfort and guide souls as a process of healing. And now she wanted to take this game to another level. Making Moonbyul realised that 'devil' is a title and it doesn't mean all devils have to be evil was her last mission.

After a long argument, Solar lost. "I am a devil and you are an angel. We are oil and water. I cannot change myself now. It's too late. Go back to heaven and tell them I took you hostage. They may at least spare your life."

Moonbyul left Solar and returned back to Hell for Lucifer before the warrior angels get her. Ever since she lost her wings, her strength was never the same. She has grown less powerful than before. In the meantime, she couldn't use Novissimus frequently. Once a day was enough to get her bedridden for days since Solar wasn't by her side anymore. She had to use it at in the right time.

When Moonbyul finally reached her home, the place was in utter chaos. She hurried inside her house. It was quiet in there. "Father?", Moonbyul walked in carefully as she called for her father.

"My dear, is that you?", a voice softly answered from behind a pillar. Moonbyul sprinted towards it and found her father in a horrid condition. His wings were broken, horns were cut off and legs were fractured. She tried to pick him up so she could take him to a healer but her father refused. "I was angry at myself for letting you go and the thought of not seeing you again was my biggest regret. Now that you are here, I can finally be at peace."

"No. You must live for me and I will make whoever did this pay for it."

"You must live. I will heal you", a person in cloak appeared out of nowhere and started healing her father. Moonbyul sat down with a thud on the floor in disbelief. Moonbyul's father asked who she was and the person revealed herself. He gasped when he saw Solar. "You must not be here. Lucifer will be back and if he sees you, it will be the end for you. Get out of here once. Lucifer had been raiding the place in the name of war."

Solar being a stubborn mole refused to leave him untreated. She followed Moonbyul to Hell as she couldn't return back to Heaven. She could no longer decide what was right and wrong anymore. After healing the man, she requested Moonbyul to have a talk with her. Right at the moment, there was a loud noise outside. Moonbyul warned Solar not to come out and be with her father. When she got outside, it was Lucifer and his men wrecking the whole place. Seeing Lucifer, without a second thought, Moonbyul attacked him. Though she was weak, she couldn't just watch him destroy her birthplace. As expected, she was no match for Lucifer. Moonbyul was so weak that she couldn't even transform into her true devil form.

"What is the matter, O Mighty Rubus?", Lucifer taunted her as he continued to hit her with his magical power. Moonbyul didn't even get a chance to take a breath. She kept taking direct hits as she did not have the strength to even utter a single word.

"Weaklings disgust me. Let me end your miserable life." Lucifer snapped his fingers and a terrifying lightning bolt fell. Lucifer sneered but it quickly disappeared when he saw a golden floral barrier around Moonbyul." The Golden Seal!", exclaimed Lucifer. Inside the Golden Seal, the strongest barrier of the healing angels, Solar stood boldly. Her golden halo was illuminating and her white silky large wings were spread wide. Her bubbly expression was gone. There was fear in her eyes but her body stood firm. She knew the outcome, however, she wanted to give up her life which was going to end anyway, by saving the one she loved. Lucifer kept attacking the barrier by his strongest spells. Solar couldn't keep up the barrier anymore. Her power was slowly drained and the barrier started to crack.

"You are mine!", Lucifer cackled. Solar looked back to Moonbyul laying there subconsciously. Tears started to swell up in her ocean blue eyes and ran down her red cheeks.

"I love you", Solar mouthed.

The barrier finally scattered to pieces and golden snowflakes drizzled everywhere.

The Sun who made the Moon shine.


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