Im meeting my soulmate, Calum Thomas Hood

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Olivia's POV
Hello. I'm Olivia Westmound, I'm 18, and I live in Australia. I have pale skin, and a petite figure. My favorite thing about me has to be my eyes. They change colors that correspond to my mood. Like, blue for relaxed/calm, gray for happy/smiley, green for excited/laugh-y.., and a dull brown color for a sad mood.

I also like to dye my hair a lot. My hair is currently a baby blue color. I've had many other colors, like blue, red, white, purple, pink, brown, black, blond, strawberry blond, and a bright green color.

Right now in a jail. Or school as you may call it. Same thing.

I'm in history class right now. Boring. Oh yeah, one thing I haven't mentioned to you is that I get visions of the future. Yes, visions. And no I'm not crazy, everything that I've had visions of had come true. I've been getting visions lately, of this boy. he's in a band called 5 seconds of summer I believe.

Visions of me and him kissing, cuddling, our wedding, and a baby.(CALUM GIRL LIFE TBH)

It seems like we were suppose to be together.

Like, we were made for each other. However, he's a worldwide famous singer and will never notice me. I'm just that funny girl in school that likes to harass the teachers.

"OLIVIA! Pay attention!" Scolded mrs. Dass the history teacher. The class chuckled as they watched the teacher hit my desk with a ruler.

"I would but why would I want to learn about dead people. History is just learning about dead people. Ain't nobody got time for that!" I responded. The class laughed at my response, but mrs.Dass didn't seem to find it amusing. Old people😒.

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! Shut. Up!" She yelled.

I laughed and said," oh damn! Mrs.Dass actually has a voice, I thought your voice was just hella raspy.😂. But anyway, you should just take the D out of Dass cause obviously you haven't had any d in your ass." The class began laughing so hard at my sass toward Mrs.Dass so hard tears began forming.

"You are queen Olivia. You are queen." Said my best friend Sam. She's the only person that knows about my visions.

"I know, I know. I try" I commented high giving her.

Mrs. Dass gave up and continued her lesson as I zoned her our once again. This became like a skill for me. I mastered it so well 👌let's all take a minute and applause me for that. Haha.

Luckily history was my last subject and I got to go home.

Me and Sam were in my room talking, when suddenly, my eyes began to flash. I was having another vision.

(Still her POV)
I was cuddled up on the couch with Calum wearing his tshirt that says "no morals" and a pair of my sweats.

We were watching a movie. A scary movie to be exact.

Suddenly a bloody face popped up on the screen and I got scared. I buried my face into Calum's chest, closing my eyes tightly.

"Don't worry babe. I'll protect you." He said. I smiled as he kissed my forehead gently.

"I love you Olivia." He said looking into my gray eyes.

"I love you too Calum." I stated staring into his beautiful eyes.

**end of vision**

"You had a vision again. Didn't you?" Sam asked me. I nodded.

"Let me guess. It was about Calum?" She said knowingly. I nodded again slowly.

"Look Olivia. You need to go find him. Otherwise he'll find another girl and maybe he'll think she's the one for him. You need to find him." She said. She has a point, but how?

"Hey, so I found out that they're coming to Sydney for a concert. Maybe, we could use that some of that money your saving to score tickets for backstage or at least a meet and greet. Ok?" She explained.

"Okay, but how the hell am I suppose to tell him we're meant to be together. Do I just go up to him and be like 'hey. I get visions and we're soul mates, so let's get married' or 'hi. Marry me now.'?" I said laughing as she laughed along.

"I don't know. We'll see what happens. The concerts on Friday so you better buy the tickets now. It's Tuesday." She said smiling that I was gonna finally try to find Calum.


It's official. I'm meeting my soulmate, Calum Thomas Hood, on Friday through a meet and greet.

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