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We are being held captive by the government. At least I'm guessing it's the government. They keep calling me a terrorist. Who do these idiots think they are? I'm a lot of things but I'm not a terrorist. I've barely had any contact with the mortal world over the past ten years. Yes, I've been in a lot of wars and I've killed a lot of people (most of them were monsters though) and blown up a lot of stuff but that doesn't make me a terrorist. I was put in a cell with Red and for the past week we've done nothing. Completely utterly nothing. They questioned us the first day and since then we've sat here. They bring us three meals a day and treat us like trash. But worst all they won't tell us anything about Prissy. My dreams showed me anything but him so I was about ready to maim something. I probably would have gotten some answers by now if someone- *cough* Rachel *cough*- would let me rough up the guards.

"Stop moping, Clarise," Rachel yawned, clearly bored. "It's not gonna change anything and it just makes you look uglier than you already are."

"Shut up, Red," I growled back.

"Just trying to keep things light."

"Well, you know what would be really useful right now? The ability to see into the future, maybe even a vision or two."

She sighed, "You know that's not how it works. I can only summon the Spirit of Delphi on will at certain occasions. This happy event isn't one of them."

"Isn't there something we can to to summon it? All I want is a vision saying Percy is alright."

She caved, "I'll try again, but I need quiet." I rolled my eyes but complied. She sat cross-legged on her bed, as if she was meditating. She stayed like this for ages. And ages. And ages.

"Can you just get on with it!" I screamed.

"Patience young grasshopper." I wanted to rip my hair out.

Rachel gasped, "I see him." Scratch that. I could kiss her right now. "Is he alright?"

The room glowed green for second before it was gone. The door opened and the guard came in with our food. Rachel launched herself at the man, attacking with all her might (which wasn't much). I did the only logical thing. I joined in. The other men in the hallway called for backup before I could get my hands on them. I can hold my own in a fight but when I'm out numbered 20:1 and I have no weapons I know when to surrender. Red, however, didn't know when to quit. The guards started throwing punches back at her and screamed for them to stop (they'd already handcuffed me). A familiar green glow was returning to her. A doctor came up to their group and stuck a needle in her, a sedative. Did I ever mention how much I hate needles? Rachel collapsed onto her knees but she didn't pass out... Nor did the green glowing fade.

"Rachel?" I asked.

"Stop it. Stop It! STOP IT!!!!" She yelled, clutching her head. "Let him go! Save Percy! Just stop. Stop!!!" Then she looked straight at me with poisonous green eyes, "They're killing him! They're killing us all!"

The men who'd restrained me pulled me away from her but she kept ranting. I resisted and even managed to hit a few of them in their soft spots but their grips were like iron. They brought me to an interrogation room and chained me to the table. A few minutes later (after I was done screaming insults at all the guards) two more men walked in. One had an eye patch, and the other had a bow slung onto his back.

"Ms. LaRue, I think it's time you started giving us answers," eye patch said threateningly. I steeled myself. I've trained for this and no way am I telling these knuckleheads anything.

That was a fun chapter to write! So I've decided I'm going to keep letting you all decided who you wanna hear from next. I'll give you 3-5 choices and then you can vote on them. Ok so next do you want to hear:

Clarise (again)
or Percy

Heroes Trapped by Heroes (avengers and Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now