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"The date is June 12th, 2016, My name is Cyrus Romain Addison and I have just made a huge breakthrough! My project, Orion, has passed the first test, which is turning on. But my problem is that I can't get it to stay on for more than 2 minutes, despite this I am very satisfied with this result. End recording."

Cyrus leans back in his chair exhausted, he worked day and night nearly non-stop to ensure that Orion is in working order. "Okay then, what do I do with you now?" Cyrus asks it. "Cyrus! Come on you've been in there forever, you have to come out eventually!" Elizabeth yells. Cyrus sighs and gets up from his chair, he takes one last look at his project before he heads upstairs. "Hey, where's Marussia?" He asks. "She went to school like an hour ago, baby, you've been in there all night and morning. I was starting to get lonely." Elizabeth said jokingly. "Oh shit, sorry about that, but I have made a real breakthrough!" Cyrus said excitedly.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes and smiles, she pulls Cyrus into the living room so that they could talk. "You know I guess it's my fault, I did decide to marry an inventor after all." She said. "Wait what are you trying to say?" Cyrus asked. Elizabeth laughs and kisses him on the cheek. "Nothing you dummy, I think it's cute that you're so into your creations, but you could use a break ya know? Spend time with me for a change." She said. "Yeah, I guess I have been pretty distant from you guys, look I promise I will be one hundred percent committed to you, the both of you." Cyrus said. His phone started ringing, the caller had a hidden number. "H-hello? Who's there?" He asked. "Hey, Cy it's me, your brother, Caleb. What you forgot me or something? Anyways I wanted to come over to, ya know, say hi to my niece. I haven't seen her since she was like 6." Caleb said. "I've already told you, man. I don't trust you around her, you are too dangerous to be near her." Cyrus said.

7 years ago, Cyrus, Caleb, and Marussia went out on a trip for Marussia's 6th birthday. Caleb, the youngest brother of 3, has an extremely rare power, the power of the universe. Meaning that he can utilize every power in existence. He tried to hide that fact from his family but it accidentally slipped out when he and Cyrus got into a huge fight, Caleb threw Cyrus on the ground with his gravity powers and was nearly going kill him with a flurry of different powers if it wasn't for him coming to his senses. Cyrus cut the trip short. He grabbed Marussia, who was hiding during the fight and, teleported back home. After that Caleb was abandoned by Cyrus and their father.

"Look if you're still mad about what happened all those years ago, emphasis on the years ago, can't you just get over it. We're family after all aren't we? Here I'll come over to help you with your Onion project." Caleb said. "It's Orion and hell yes I'm still pissed, you attacked me and threatened my family. Besides I've decided to spend time with my wife thank you very much." Cyrus said. "Fine but know that you are making a mistake by not letting your daughter see her uncle." Caleb said. Cyrus promptly hung up and turned his focus back to Elizabeth.

"Now where-" Cyrus was interrupted by his phone again, but this time it was Nautilus, a research facility that Cyrus emailed a while ago to help him out with his project. "What? No way! Eliza that was Nautilus, the research facility. They want me to present to them the project I'm working on, and if it goes well then they might even fund it and have me move my workstation to their facility!" He said excitedly. "T-that's great, baby, but what about our plans? Weren't we going to do something together like you wanted to?' Elizabeth asked. "I know I know, but this could change not just our lives but the lives of everyone on earth! I'm making a machine that can create portals that can transport anything across the globe in an instant! This will be revolutionary I'm telling you!" Cyrus said. "But..." Elizabeth said. Cyrus ignored her and went to get dressed and get ready for the meeting, once he was all ready he kissed Elizabeth goodbye and teleported to the Facility. "Bye, I guess..." Elizabeth says to herself.

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