Dog's World

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Bianca arrives at the SkyLink facility, she walks around the place until she finds Cyrus in the portal room. "Hey." Bianca said while walking up to Cyrus, "Hey, Alex didn't want to come?" "No, he said he's too tired, plus I don't think he would've been much help anyway." She said, Cyrus shrugged and pointed to a spot on the portal display, "Look, you see that? It's been turned on before." Bianca looks at the spot confused, she asks, "How can you tell? All I see is a blinking red dot and a couple of words." Cyrus clears his throat, "So the light indicates that the portal is cooling, the longer it's turned on the longer the cooling period. Someone has either used the portal which shouldn't even be possible since I have the codes, or, and this is the scarier possibility, the portal surged in power which can turn it on every now and then." Bianca catches a glimpse at a black spot on the floor near the portal, she asks curiously, "Hey Cy, what's that spot on the ground, it's all charred yet gooey at the same time, how is that even possible?" Cyrus walks toward the spot and wipes a bit up with his finger, his face turns pale, and quickly goes to the portal console, "No no no no no, if they're here then... Bianca hand me Ruth." Cyrus said holding his hand out, "Ruth?" Bianca said confused, Cyrus sighs, "My laser staff, hand me that please, I'm going to turn on SkyLink and in case something jumps out I can kill it quickly" Bianca hands him the staff, "You name your weapons? Cute" Bianca said teasingly, "Shut up".

Cyrus turns on the portal, a shower a bright blue engulfs the room, Bianca stares at it in awe, "Wow, I've never seen it turned on before!" She said excitingly, Cyrus stands in front of the portal, he motions Bianca to stay back. "Stay back, I don't know what will come out of that thing but if it's what I think it is then you're going to want to run, fast." he said warningly. The portal makes a loud deafening noise, a howling noise can be clearly heard, and immediately after two huge black dogs with smoke coming out of their nostrils. "Fuck, hellhounds, Go! Get out of here! I'll hold them off!" Cyrus screamed. Bianca didn't question it, she just ran. "15 years, why now do you come back?" he said. He drops his staff and uses his fire powers instead, he sends a huge plume of fire towards the dogs, they're hurt, but not dead. Cyrus almost tried the same thing again but he didn't want to burn down the entire facility so he instead grabbed a gun and fired a couple of rounds so he can get away.

This was around when I woke up, I heard pounding on the door, I cautiously go to open it where I find Bianca standing there looking like she was chased by a pack of wolves, she was shaking so much that she could barely get words out, "D-dogs" She said shakily, "Dogs? Were you being chased by them?" I ask confused. She took a deep breath, "No! Cyrus needs our help, shit is hitting multiple fans at the facility. And I know Cyrus can't take them on by himself! There no time to lose let's go!" She stuffs me in the car and speeds off to where Cyrus is.

Once we got there we saw him coming down the steps. He saw us started heading towards the car, "What the-why the hell did you come back!? And you brought Alex too!?" He said angrily, "He has powers too just like you, he can help I promise, he saved me from some guys who were about to kill us and them out with a single flash!" Bianca said loudly. Cyrus looked at us and blinked in disbelief, "You did what!? Plus you're telling me this now!?" He yelled. He looked back at the facility building and looked back at me, "Fine, fine, fine, fine, here" he tossed me a revolver, "Just in case your powers don't work", he runs towards the door, I get out and follow him, once we get inside we see that the inside of the building is all ruined, three giant black dog-like creatures turn the corner and looks at us with red bloodthirsty eyes. Fire forms around Cyrus's arms, "Woah does that hurt?" I ask, "Now's not the time, go! Deactivate the SkyLink, there shouldn't be too many obstacles in your way!" He said, he then creates a giant wall of flames to trap the creatures and jumps inside, I couldn't let myself get distracted, I follow the path of destruction, the charred remains of the dogs mark the way to the portal room, eventually, I make it. I almost screamed, the floor was covered with the blood of the dogs, the actual bodies looking like a Sunday barbeque. I hold back puke as I make my way towards the console, "Wait he never told me how to deactivate it." So I did what anyone would do in that situation, and bashed the shit out of it....which didn't work but the portal did make a very loud, and immediately after a large hand slowly pokes out of the portal, I wanted to get the fuck out of there but I couldn't move, almost like it was pulling me in, talking to me. I hear a deep voice in my head, it sounds older than time itself, it beckons me to come closer, to help it escape from its tomb. Cyrus runs to me and grabs me, he was still smoking from the encounter at the entrance, I snap out of my trance; "Cyrus? Wait where are we going? Cyrus!?" I yelled, he drops me off where Bianca is. "Watch him, SkyLink is too far gone, I need to destroy it, for the safety of everyone." He said with a melancholy look on his face.

He goes back into the building, "Oh my god what happened in there?" Bianca said in a concerned tone, "I...I don't know, so much death....what is this place, why did you take me here?" I was going to have nightmares about what I saw in there for weeks. Cyrus checks the building for more hounds, killing off everything saw, he then makes his way to the portal room, it's a big spacious room, and the portal sits right there in the middle. He takes one last look at the thing he worked so hard to create and got ready to destroy it. That's when the voice came back, "Why....why won't you help me escape?" Cyrus shakes his head to snap himself out of it, he then destroys the portal with a massive plume of fire, destroying not only the portal itself but whatever was directly next to it on the other side. What remains of SkyLink is just charred metal and melted wires. Cyrus walks away hanging his head low, mourning the loss of his baby.

He walks out of the ravaged building and makes his way towards us, "It's done." he said with a depressed tone, "I'm sorry, it must have been hard to destroy something that you've tirelessly on." Bianca said. Cyrus said nothing though, and with a snap of his fingers he disappeared, presumably back home...wait he can teleport too?

Bianca drives us back home, nothing was said on the drive back, we were both unpacking what happened back there, how can something go so wrong so fast? Once we're inside Bianca goes into her room and collapses on her bed, I wanted to go and see how she's doing but I didn't want to break her rule, but I just want to know how she's feeling. So I walk into her room, "I thought I told you to not come in here." she said muffled, "Are you alright?" She sighs, "No, I feel sore and my head hurts and I'm tired, I was looking so forward to see Cy work on the SkyLink, to see the ins and outs of it. Everything went to shit so fast I couldn't react to it, if it wasn't' for Cy telling me to get out of there and holding off the hellhounds I might not have gotten out of there." She said, still muffled. I wanted to ask her more questions, but I didn't want to press her, also she immediately fell asleep after so there's that too. I take a shower and also fall asleep on the floor next to the couch.

Cyrus sits at his desk holding his head in his hands, he thinks to himself, "What went wrong? My work, I have to rebuild it, start all over." He slumps back in his chair, but then he jumps up and heads to his basement lab. "Maybe I can distract myself down here." he says to himself, when he enters his lab he spots a hooded figure in a white coat. "How's the portal, Cyrus?" It says in a mocking tone, "Who are you, why are you in my house?" Cyrus said, smoke begins to rise from his hands. "Oh don't worry about little 'ol me, I'm surprised you don't recognize my voice, we've met before." The man talks in a brash and deep tone. "No, I don't remember you at all, now leave." Cyrus said, his hands starting to ignite. "Oh that's right, it was your daughter I talked to wasn't it? Ha, you two have a lot in common!" He said. Cyrus nearly turned the man into a well-done steak until he said, "Woah now, wouldn't want to ruin the rest of your creations, you see you're not the only one who noticed a blip. And a little birdy told me who caused it, a boy, about this tall," he holds his hand up to his shoulder, "yeah yeah that sounds about right." "Alex..." Cyrus says under his breath, "Ah Alex, so that's the kid's name, interesting." The man said. Before Cyrus could stop him the man fades into the shadows, shaking out of rage Cyrus flips a table, the glasses and bottles on it crashing to the floor. "Who was that guy, what did he want to do with Alex, and...what does he know about Marussia?" He says to himself. He goes to his room and takes a nap. Maybe when he wakes up he'll know the answers.

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