Long Day Pt.1

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I guess I was talking for a long time because when I looked over to Bianca she was asleep. Well, I'm not repeating that story so sucks to be her. I get up and try to find something to do, It just started raining outside so I can't do my walk like I wanted to. So just more hours of boredom until the rain subsides. Never thought I'd call watching TV boring but when you don't know any of the channels and when you mostly spent your time playing video games then you would find it boring too. But leave it to Cyrus to spice up my day and by spice up, I mean teleport behind me and basically kidnap me and bring me to your basement to talk about whatever when you could have sent me a text or something. "Okay, okay I know you have a lot of questions/concerns right now-" I stopped Cyrus before he could continue. "Damn right I have questions! You couldn't text? Call? Hell, why not send a damn pigeon with a message tied onto it? No, you instead literally kidnap me for whatever that is I suppose." I said. I pointed to a whiteboard full of writing and photos. "Alright I see you feel strongly about that and the most honest answer I can give you is that my phone is dead. Anyways what you see in front of you is my latest plan, which is a derivative of my original plan but now that Troy's involved I edited a bit." He said. "I can see that. Wait are you planning to use less people for this? It says right here that you're taking only me and Bianca." I said. If Cyrus is planning to take only us two then that's a good way for us to get killed quickly, Troy already knows what I look like, so it's an increased danger for me too. "Well yeah, too many people will cause more attention, plus I've seen you fight before. You're not that bad at it. It's better to have a small but strong team than a large but relatively weak team." Cyrus said. That made a little bit of sense but I'm still a bit worried.

I notice some screens behind him and walk over to them, they were a bit dusty. "What's wrong?" Cyrus said. "What are these screens for?" I ask. Cyrus comes over and turns on the screens, revealing some screenshots of him working on something. "Ah, I remember these photos. This was when SkyLink was being built. It was called Orion back then, I still have these pictures up because I want to look back and see the progress I've made over the years. And you know what? Now that I'm looking at these again, I want to get that thing back in the correct hands even more so now." He said. "Do you?" I ask. "Well, yes, Alex! Damn thing cost me a marriage. I can't let that be for nothing!" He said.

He went upstairs to get something when a great idea popped into my mind regarding his whole plan. I take a marker from his desk and begin drawing my idea. My idea was, what if we actually try to get attention drawn towards us? We can still have the same amount of people and Cyrus can be the one who deals with the portal since he's the one who made it in the first place. Me and Bianca will draw attention to ourselves so that Troy and his guys will come towards us and not Cyrus. A couple of minutes later he comes back down with a cup of coffee and notices me editing his board. "What the hell? What are you-woah..." He comes up and takes a closer look at the board. "What did you do?" He asks. "I'll go with your new plan, but I want to add a couple of things. Bianca is better with guns and stuff right? So she can guard the entrance to the portal room. I can be sneaky and turn myself invisible (once I figure out how) and act as a patroller. And you can do your thing." I said. Cyrus slowly nods his head in agreement. "Or, Bianca and I can cause a distraction, attract the remaining soldiers, and maybe, no, hopefully, Troy, so that there are fewer people around you so you can go to work on your portal since, you know, you built it." I said. "Okay, alright I'll take the second option but I'm taking Bianca with me, you'll act as a distraction." Cyrus said. "What! I can't do that alone! If anything Bianca could since she's more skilled than I am with fighting, sure I fought a couple of soldiers but Troy? No, I'll come with you." I said. There's no way he's going to make me fight Troy alone. "Mind's already made up, you'll be fine, man. I won't let him hurt you too badly." Cyrus said.

He leaves the basement with a grin, satisfied with his revision of my revision of his plan. I take one more look at the screens before I move on to something else. What is that something? Well while Cyrus was admiring my revision, I may have swiped the map to the Zulu HQ. I just wanted to see the layout to see where I could position myself, and by the looks of it, it seems like the grand hall is a great place since that's where most of the Zulu will be. I'm a genius.

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