Where Are You?

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"little fairy!" shouted Han jinho who had just woken up from his dream.

Kim Han, who is Han Jinho's secretary, entered the office in a hurry.

"Jinho-ah, why ?! Are you okay?" secretary Kim asked Han Jinho.

Han jinho who was still thinking about his dream did not listen to the words of secretary Kim.

Once again secretary Kim asked Han jinho "are you okay?"

Then finally Han jinho replied "I'm okay, you can go"

"haaaaa where are you now?" asked the future ceo Han jinho to himself.

Han jinho often dreams about the little fairy, his good friend who disappears without saying goodbye.

In his dreams the little fairy is often seen crying alone and is in trouble.

Years have passed the same dream continues. Han jinho believes that his dream is a sign of their destiny.

So Han jinho did not give up trying to find the little fairy Without any information about her.

"Wherever you are, please take care of yourself, I will look for you all over the world" said Han jinho in his heart.

"Mr. Jinho, the meeting will start soon" said secretary Kim At the office door.

Han jinho stood up and looked outside the window and said "I will see you one day" with a charming smile ever!

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