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  [knock! Knock!]
"Dad? Are you inside? "After a few seconds of waiting and no answer han jinho went into his father's room to see if he was okay.

As soon as he went inside, he looked for his father "dad where are you? Are you in the bathroom?" Apparently he was not inside.

Then han jinho called his maid "Ajumma!".
"Yes, jinho why?"
"Have you seen my father?"
"No, your father is not in the room?"
"No, Let me know if you see my father "

Then Han jinho went to see his grandfather.
"Ah, Grandpa do you know where my father is? "
His grandfather just kept quiet and walked towards the kitchen.

"Did something happen? "Jinho asked
"No,He just went to find his friend or should I say his second father HAHAHAHA " grandfather said
"Second father? What do you mean? "
"HAHAHA nothing , let's eat"

After breakfast, han jinho tried to call his father but was not picked up. He is very worried about his father who is alone and in poor health."Haihh where did dad go"

A few minutes later han jinho received a call from an unknown number and Han jinho pick up the phone
"Hello,Who is this? "
" Em , hello is this uncle han seok's son? "
" Ah yes i am, where is my father? "
" Your father at my home, he has been snatched and His condition is not so good , so-"
"can you send me your location i will pick him up soon"
"oh okay"  Call ended

"He even does not thank me, who is this man so cold but his voice kind of familiar to me"
uncle I already called your son he will come later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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