is that you?

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The morning came with melodious chirping birds.

"Yurin-ie time to get up, let's have breakfast together" grandfather called while carrying Fried rice, soup and egg rolls.

Bae yurin who heard his grandfather called her, woke up while rubbing his eyes. She woke up to go wash her face and went out of the room for breakfast.

After finishing they breakfast, Bae yurin take a shower and get ready to go to work.

On the way to her workplace she saw an uncle who looked like he wanted to fall, bae yurin ran to the uncle to see if the uncle was okay.

"Sir are you okay?" Yurin asked. The uncle looked helpless and short of breath to answer.

Bae yurin panicked and looking for her phone but her phone was left at home. "Yaish! I left my phone!"

"Um uncle where are your family? Where is your house?" Asked yurin.

"Is your house far away? How about I took you to my house then you can rest for a while, okay?" asked yurin. The uncle just nodded his head.

"Let's go! Argh" bae yurin who is having difficulty helping the uncle to stand up.

While walking to her house, bae yurin asked "why are you here? Did you come alone?". "I came here to find someone " he replied.

In her heart she wondered who the person the uncle was looking for because there was no one other than yurin and grandfather who lived there.

When they arrived at her house, grandfather shouted "Is that you han seok ?! ". " Ahhh seok-ah why are you here? Are you okay? ".

They look so happy seeing each other.

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