The First Day

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Present Day


Domina's Bedroom

I flick my long curly black hair over my shoulder and stare at the mirror. It isn't a regular mirror. It was enchanted so I could actually see myself in it. That is what sucks about being a vampire. I don't have a normal reflection. I bring my face closer to the mirror and inspect my makeup. I have done a subtle smokey eye to make blue eyes pop and bring out the violet undertones. I use blush to accentuate my sharp jawline and cheekbones. I move my eyes down to my outfit. I am wearing my new uniform. A white button down shirt with a blue tie and plaid pleated skirt. I roll the sleeves of my shirt up to my elbows and adjust my skirt so it won't show my butt. I stare at the school crest that is embroidered on to the breast pocket. I shudder before turning away. I pull on my knee high socks and step into my black heels, pulling the straps tight around my ankles. When I stand again I have gained a few extra inches of height. People don't take me seriously at my usual 5' 4" stance. Grabbing my backpack I leave my room. I speed walk through the corridors until I make it into the dinning room. My family is all gathered around the big table and my father looks up at me when I make my entrance. "Domina, you are late." He states. I lower my head a little bit before running to my spot next to my mother.

"Richard, don't be too hard on her. It is her first day of school after all." My mother always tries to help my case. My dad would give me the world if I wanted it, but he expects me to be on time for everything.

"I was not being hard on her. She is fifteen minutes late to breakfast. That is unacceptable."

This is when my sister decides to chime in, "Maybe find out why she was late before getting mad at her?" I send her a grateful smile. My father turns to me and his eyes soften a little bit.

"Why were you late Domina?"

I squirm in my seat a little bit. Everyone at the table has turned their attention to me. Across the table from me sits my brother-in-law, Jacob. He freaks me out a little bit. He has solid black eyes that seem to look into your soul. "I went to put on my uniform, but it was way too big. They used my measurements from last year, before I started working out a lot. I had to have someone come alter it so I wouldn't look stupid." I look down at my plate before and wait for someone to speak. I know it is stupid to feel threatened by my own family, but the power radiating off of them is insane. They are all older than eighteen and have gained their full vampire powers. I won't gain mine for a few more months, and that's if I do something worthy of gaining them after I turn eighteen.

"Well, next time send a message saying you will be late, alright?" I look at my father and nod. I eat my food in silence as the rest of my family talks. My nephew, Thomas, sits in a high chair in between his parents. I envy the kid a little bit. He is only a year and a half old, but he doesn't have to deal with the constraints of royal life. People always will have high expectations of me. I may not be next in line for the throne, but I was still expected to behave like a proper princess. When I finished eating I asked to be excused. Even though I was late for breakfast, I was done before everyone else. "Fine, have a good day Domina." My father dismisses me and I leave the dining hall at a slow walk. Once the door is closed behind me I take off for the front gates. I see my limo parked on the circular drive outside of the palace. I race down the steps when I hear someone call my name. I whip my head around and see one of my best friends running after me.

"Domina, slow down please!"

"Sorry, Bianca. We still have to get the others." I wait for her to join me at the bottom of the stairs. We are in the same uniform, except we have both made them look different enough. She has on her blazer unbuttoned so it is blowing in the wind, while mine is slung over my shoulder, for now. I am stressed and when I stress I get hot. Her long blonde hair is in a high ponytail that reaches down to her lower back. I have always been jealous of her hair. Her look is finished off with a pair of combat boots with her knee-high socks sticking out.

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