Eye Candy

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Morning, 2nd Day of School



I stare out the window as my friends and I approach the school. I have two things on my mind. 1) Felix from Stray Kidz and how he is so freaking cute, and 2) Clark Daniels. I did some digging last night and I found the yearbooks of all the schools that combined into one this year. I also found a list of all the teachers that were homeroom teachers for the senior class and I grouped the kids all alphabetically based on that number. No matter how I did it, Clark was going to be in my homeroom. I am not ready for that. I haven't talked to him in a few years, but he hurt me so bad. Carson pulls up in front of the school, and speak of the Devil, Clark is walking into school. Next to him is one of the guys I saw yesterday. If I didn't know better, they could be brothers. There is also a girl that is holding hands with the other guy. I assume that they are Mates. They keep looking at each other with longing and love. I can't wait until I have that. Bianca is lucky that she found Adam at a young age. She could go through high school with a perfect boyfriend. I haven't had a serious boyfriend in years. It feels like I am cheating on my future Bonded. "Oh biscuit," I mutter, noticing that Clark has stopped walking and is watching the limo. Fiona notices my discomfort.

"Is he the guy?" she asks. Her eyes followed mine to Clark

"Yup. He is the guy." My friends all have heard about Clark, but only Fionna and Bianca were there when it all happened. Carson stops the limo and turns back to me.

"Have a wonderful day Domina. I will see you after cheer practice?" I nod and open the door. As soon as my feet hit the pavement I have to get my breathing under control. I don't tell people about my anxiety. Bianca and Fiona are the only ones that really know. Emma and Cami probably could guess that I have anxiety but I have never explicitly told them that. Fiona gets out and holds my hand. She gives it a squeeze and we all start walking. I walk by Clark and don't give him the satisfaction of knowing how he affects me. Once inside my friends and I all split off to our separate destinations. Bianca and I head to the locker rooms to drop off our cheer bags. Once inside the room, I see the girl that was clinging to Clark's arm yesterday. I hope she doesn't recognize me as Bianca and I find the lockers with our names on them. To start the team they took the two best members from each of the schools. Today after school are the tryouts for team captain.

Luck seems to not be on my side today. The girl is standing in my way. I have two options. 1) Push past her to get to it, or 2) Ask her to move. Neither option sounds good to me. Apparently there was a third option, which includes her talking to me. "So your Domina Deloncos," Her voice has a sickening catty tone to it.

"Yes I am," I cock my head to the side, "I am sorry, but I don't know who you are." her face drops a little bit and the girl that is standing next to her seems shocked. Catty girl recovers fast, though.

"I am Nicolette Ranger. My friends call me Nicky." Her last name rings a bell, but I can't place it. She seems smug as she looks at me. As if she has won some prize that I am not aware of.

"Well Nicolette, this has been a great chat, but I am going to need you to scoot so I can get to my locker." I can tell that Bianca is having a hard time not laughing right now.

"This chat isn't over yet, Princess," She gets in my face and I back up a bit, "I am going to need you to stay away from my boyfriend. I don't know what your past with him is, but he is mine. Understood?" I smile at her.

"Trust me, Honey, I don't plan on getting anywhere near your precious Clark. I made it clear to him years ago that I am done with him. You can have him." That was clearly not the answer she was expecting. I push past her and open up my locker. Bianca does the same and we drop our bags inside. Nicolette still seems to be wrapping her head around everything that happened when we walk by.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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