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"Her royal highness of Prussia, Princess Josephine has arrived."

The gigantic doors to the throne room swiftly open as Princess Josephine gracefully walked down the red carpet.

"Your highness" She curtsied before the Queen

"Welcome to London my dear niece. No need to bow before me we're family. I trust your arrival didn't cause any whispers to my citizens?" Queen Charlotte asked

"No my queen as requested, no one but the royal family is aware of my arrival"

"Excellent. How's Friedrich?"

"Brother is currently tied with some political manners back in Prussia, but he promises to be present at your seasonal ball."

"Preposterous! If he got himself a wife last season, he'll have someone to share his frustrations with!" Josephine flinched by the sudden outburst.

"Apologies your highness... The Queen is rather stressed by some of Lady Whistledown's words last season" Her royal adviser explained

"Some?! That woman disgraces me! How dare she question my choices!"

"How so my queen?"

"That gossip bombarding behemoth told everyone I have chosen the wrong diamond of the season and that Friedrich's failure to marry her was MY failure as well!"

"How disgraceful auntie! I'm sorry to ask but who's Lady Whistledown?" Josephine asked

"We have yet to find out my dear but until then that blabber mouth of hers will continue to mock me and my decisions." The Queen looks at Josephine from head to toe "Unless..."

"Unless what my queen?" her royal adviser asked

"Josephine my dear how would you like to join this upcoming Marriage Season?"

"Isn't that why mother sent me here?"

"Yes of course but you'll be joining as a Lady NOT as a princess"

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What an outstanding show Bridgerton is no? I'm so pumped for Season 2 already!! What do you think of the prologue?

Here's to my fellow Colin Bridgerton stans out there!! ♥️♥ ♥

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