V : Friends

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Previously at the Bridgerton picnic site:

Colin's P.O.V.

"Where on earth is Benedict?!" Mama asked frustrated

"I think a few octaves higher and I'm sure he'll hear you from Lord Granville's" I said while watching Gregory and Hyacinth play

"Lord Granville...? My word! Is that today? but Anthony asked Benedict to promenade with Isla... poor girl... I better go there and apologize to them-"

"I'll do it." 

"That's remarkably sweet of you Colin." Mama said while pecking my cheek.

"I'm sure Miss Clairemont won't mind the gesture and Anthony would be glad that you stepped in to fill in his shoes" I smiled at her as I head to the Clairemont's site.

'Fill in his shoes...'

Presently the Clairemont's picnic site:

"Colin?" Isla asked surprised, as she bat her eyes

"Miss Clairemont." I  smiled and bowed as she do the same.

"You look surprised darling. Is something the matter?" Lady Clairemont asked

"Is my presence rather dissapointing Miss Clairemont?" I asked looking at her like a lost puppy and made her smile

"It doesn't. I'm just surprised... Anthony said he'll send Benedict for me" 

"Benedict might've mixed his schedules therefore the family's favorite shall replace his presence" I joked extending my hand as I hear her chuckle. "Shall we Miss Clairemont?" 

I smiled gleamingly at her as she accept my hand. To her surprise, I guided her hand to hold me by the arm as we start walking around the picnic site. She was observing everything from the people around us, the children running around, and to her delight, the butterflies that has flown near us. I couldn't help but notice her smile at every single one.

"Is London to your liking Miss Clairemont?" I asked breaking her trance

"Oh, yes London's beautiful. The people are so nice too! Although you speak like I come from anywhere else than London"

"My apologies, I just assume that someone who's fond of travel would rather stayed somewhere else"

"Travelling and being anywhere else sure is divine but why would I? I am certainly where I should be" She said as our eyes meet that made mine soften... I cleared my voice as a thought occured

"So, you and Anthony... are you expecting a proposal?" I asked  avoiding her eye

"So soon? Why must I haste? I have the whole season to figure it out" She said so confidently.

She lets go of my arm. "Is that a gazebo?" Her eyes lit up as she run towards there with me tailing behind. Once we entered the gazeebo she held on the rails as the London breeze kiss her delicate face.  

"Tell me Colin. Are you fond of London?" She asks

"I mean this where my family is so, I guess so"

"Are you rather boisterous than quiet?"

"More often than I should  but with you I'm rather quiet... I guess you have a effect on me"

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