Battle on the Coast

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"TALON!" Talonflame cried as embers dropped from its wings, a thunderbolt raced after the scorching pokemon. The talonflame dove the electricity crackling afterwards as the dragapult rushed after, its tail partly disappearing as it spun the two dreepy in the ports on its head and started chattering in excitement. The tyrantrum roared as charizard set the ground a blaze separating the pokemon from the rest of its team.

"Haxorus." Leon called as the dragon charged forward catching the gogoat by the legs and throwing it into the air. An absol leapt forward throwing a psycho cut, slicing through the flames allowing the handful of trainers through, as they sprinted up the beach and away from the boats. The trainer in black growled as he glanced at his talonflame swerved past the haxorus barely missing the pokemon. Dragapult raced after, one of the dreepy flew from the port in its head as it sailed towards the flying type. Swerving the talonflame dodged the small dragon pokemon as flames wrapped around the scorching pokemon before it slammed into dragapult. The dragon shook itself from the flames before chasing after the bird pokemon.

"Dragon tail." Cadel ordered as the tyrantrum charged through the flames, his tail starting to glow.

"King's shield." A flash of gold rushed in front of Leon as the gray shield formed beside him. Aegislash spun his shield coming free from the rest of its body as it spun around the tyrantrum slamming its blade into the pokemon's side sending it skidding away. A loud snarl escaped the rock type as it steadied itself and charged again.

An explosion of flames covered the dragon as it roared, getting away from the fire as charizard swerved around the steel type. Absol leapt over the flames, her claws glowing as she aimed for the flying type. Flames soared from the fire types mouth engulfing the dark type as its trainer recalled it into its pokeball.

"Stupid champion." Cadel growled as he put the pokeball in its spot on his belt. Most of his people had gotten off the boat, and were fleeing the beach with the rest of the gear as the boats started backwards heading back out to sea.

"Need some help boss." A female voice called from behind as Cadel smirked. He glanced over his shoulder at his two admins as they walked up behind him. The purple haired woman smiled her back coat slung over her shoulder as she tossed her pokeball into the air releasing her partner as the weavile landed. The admin chuckled as the chains on her sleeves rattle along with the ones on her boots. A small snarl escaped the ice type as it rushed forward into the fray, leaping on the shield of the aegislash.

"Night slash." The woman yelled.

"Tyranitar, use crunch." A man ordered as he walked up to Cadel's otherside. The other admin nodded to his leader as the armor pokemon tried to grab the aegislash before flames rushed over the pokemon, covering the ground. Tyranitar snarled its tail slamming on the ground and kicking up more dust. 

"Juliette, Lucien, you deal with this." Cadel stated as Lucien nodded before turning his attention to the champion who seemed to be struggling against the group of pokemon. Lucien ran a hand through his black hair with purple tips, he slipped his hands into his dark jacket and grabbed for another pokeball.

"Don't worry boss, we'll take care of this champion." Juliette smirked as her weavile was knocked off the royal sword pokemon. Swerving around another burst of flames the weavile rushed towards the haxorus, shadows cloaking its claws. Cadel recalled his pokemon before giving chase after the rest of his team as his two admins tossed out the rest of their pokeballs. Leon huffed as charizard landed beside his trainer. Leon recalled Aegislash as the pokemon stumbled, obviously exhausted. Haxorus snarled his tail slamming against the ground as dragapult loomed behind its trainer.

"You won't be able to beat us." Lucien yelled as he called out his pangoro, dusknoir, and shiftry. Juliete released her banette, mismagius, and scrafty.

"You know... you're not the only one with friends." Leon smiled as a shrill cry echoed. A flygon zoomed overhead the two trainers and a young man in a black and orange sweatshirt gripped the pokemon's back. His bright orange hat had black spikes coming off the back, as his sports uniform mimicked a dragon's coloring. "You're late!" Leon called to his friend. Raihan laughed, leaping down beside the champion.

"Sorry it took us a bit." Raihan stated as he called out his goodra, duraludon and turtonator.

"You made it, that's all that matters." Leon responded as he called out his seismitoad as the water type landed with a thud.

"Now this is a battle." Raihan laughed as the two admins glared at the men across from them.

"Tyranitar, stone edge." Blue stones tore from the ground as goodra stepped forward.

"Goodra cut through the stones with dragon pulse." The multicolored beam flew from the dragon pokemon's mouth tearing some of the stones apart. Charizard took to the air with a beat of his wings fire already forming in his mouth as weavile darted forward ice forming on its hands. A stone sprung up from the ground as weavile leapt up on the blue boulder and launched itself into the air. Charizard spun out of the way as the weavile tried to correct itself but flygon got to it first its tail striking the dark type sending it sailing back into the ground as it skidded back towards its trainer.

"Turtonator, fire blast."

"Charizard, flamethrower." Flames engulfed the beach as the two admin's pokemon backed up. A snort escaped the tyranitar as it charged forward sprinting through the flames like they weren't even then.

"Dragon tail." Lucien shouted as the armor pokemon's tail started to glow.

"Shell trap." A shimmer escaped turtonator's back spikes as the rock type slammed against the blast turtle pokemon. An explosion sent the two pokemon flying away from each other.

"Mismagius psybeam!" Juliette ordered as the ghost type's eyes started to glow.

"Flygon get that mismagius with crunch!" Raihan ordered as Leon's haxorus threw the pangoro around, its tail connecting with the scrafty sending it soaring backwards.

"We should get after the leader." Leon growled as he tried to see where the rest of the evil team had run off to, but he couldn't see not with the rising tide.

"Right now we gotta finish this battle." Raihan informed as Leon nodded, returning his attention back to the battle at hand. He'd find them later, and hopefully before Team Void found where Kayden and Luke went. 


Here you go.

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