Glimwood Havoc

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 "So besides being hunted by Team Void. OW! You're also being tracked by your family?" Liam asked as he pushed the spikey plant away from the arm before it nearly smacked Luke in the face.

"Jeez, watch where you're going." Luke snapped.

"Oi, I don't need you to give me an earful." Liam stated before looking ahead to where Kayden was clambering on a fallen tree trying to get a lay of the area. She wished she truly could but this forest was so damn dark it was nearly impossible for her to see much beyond the illuminating plants.

"Pretty much." Kayden responded as Sophie jumped up beside her, scanning the area along with the younger girl. Salandit chirped from her place on Paige's shoulder, dissatisfied that it couldn't see much ahead of them either.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Dylan asked from the back of the group. Mightyena trotted at his side, the dark type's fur getting caught a bit in the undergrowth. Luke grabbed a pokeball calling out sizzlipede, small sparks of flame rushed along the bug type's body.

"Oh he's so little." Sophie smiled at the bug type before gazing around the area once more.

"Perhaps it would be wise to actually catch a pokemon from the area." Liam pointed out before knocking a thorn riddled branch out of his way. "What is up with this damn plant?"

"It just likes you." Kayden smiled. "So who has extra space in their party?"

"I do but I don't particularly want to catch anything." Dylan stated as he helped mightyena get the thorns out of her fur.

"I do but I need an extr-" Liam unclipped a pokeball from his side, tossing it at Luke who easily caught it.

"So you never did explain how you know each other." Kayden stated. She jumped down from the log and started looking through the brush, hoping to see a pokemon around.

"I'm Luke's neighbor." Sophie stated as she called out her heliolisk. The generator pokemon looked up at its trainer before darting off into the undergrowth searching out a pokemon for them to catch. "Well I was."

"It could be worse, I mean we could be entirely lost." Dylan pointed out.

"We are pretty much lost, unless you can see the entrance." Liam gestured back the way they had come. "Because unless you have the eyes of a thieval I doubt you'll see shit."

"See now you're just being rude." Kayden raised an eyebrow at Liam before the older rolled his eyes.

"We just need to find a pokemon in the forest, shouldn't be that hard right?" Dylan asked.

"See I keep forgetting you aren't from here. There are a lot of missing person cases in Glimwood Tangle, lets just hope we don't become one." Sophie stated.

"Well that's a scary thought." Dylan whispered as he dug his fingers into mightyena's fur, trying to get some comfort from the dark type. The bite pokemon's ears twitched its attention snapping to the area around them, a low growl coming from its throat. "Mightyena what's wrong?"

Something charged out of the brush slamming into Dylan sending it falling backwards over an uprooted root.

"Dylan!" Kayden shouted as salandit jumped off her shoulder. A small cry came from salandit as something hit it pulling it off the trail they were trying to follow. "SALANDIT!" Kayden screamed.

"Braviary, help us out." Liam said, calling out the flying type.

"Heliolisk, stop whatever is attacking us!" Sophie yelled as something snagged her backpack, yanking her backwards away from her friends and pokemon.

"Sophie! Braviary, aerial ace on whatever grabbed Sophie." Liam ordered before something wrapped around his ankle. A harsh yank sent the older teen to the ground where he scrambled to try to get out of whatever was holding him. "Braviary!" Liam screamed as he was fully dragged into the undergrowth.

"UP! UP! Climb up!" Sophie shouted as slid her backpack off her shoulder, recalled heliolisk and ran to the nearest tree, starting to climb. Kayden rushed up the tree nearest to her as Luke yelled something crashing into him, throwing him to the ground. Charcoal colored fiber tangled itself around his wrists dragging him backwards along the ground, kicking up dust behind him.

"Luke!" Kayden screamed as she grabbed a pokeball.

"Don't!" Sophie yelled, stopping the teen from releasing her pokemon. The strands soared upward enclosing braviary's wings dragging the flying type to the ground. "Right now we need to worry about ourselves. The boys will be fine."

"But, but..." Kayden tried to get her words out. She wished that she could whistle and call reshiram to her, perhaps the legendary would be of help. "You're right.... But what do we do now?"

"I... I don't know." Sophie admitted. "Hope and pray that it left." 


Sorry for the long wait guys. 

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