About This Guide

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~ A Writer's Portfolio ~

A portfolio is described as a selection of work compiled over a period of time and used for assessing performance. Whether you're a photographer, an artist, or a content creator, you will build a number of works over time to showcase your progress.

A writer's portfolio can include things like: writing credits (paid and unpaid), awards or mentions in the media, memberships in related organizations and critique groups, a personal blog or website, social media presence, samples of query letters, and story descriptions(summaries) of completed works. 

The Boot Camp Mentors team has curated a list of ingredients that will help you build your writing cred and author brand as you start querying agents and publishers. These folks will want to know what you've done and how dedicated you are to your craft. In an industry where our confidence is challenged at every turn, it's nice to rely on a solid foundation as we venture out on our writer's journey.

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Check out the Table of Contents chapter to see what's in store for the upcoming months.

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