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'There were always those nights

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'There were always those nights

where her mind went to war with her heart

the fight between what she knew, what she felt

and what she had to do.

Sometimes the hardest decisions 

are made under the moon.'

- R. H. Sin

. . .

The colour had seeped from the world with the coming night.

Any moonlight and starlight wishing to shine blocked by dark heavy clouds, threatening rain. The world was relatively still of all but the men and women that lived by the night.

Gawdy laughter and drunken song lilting in the air as men staggered out of pubs. The sultry winks and smiles from women who made their fortune from their beds. Thieves and beggars slinking through the shadows, hands wandering into the pockets of men that wouldn't recall their night.

It was a side of London Athena Lakewood couldn't recall ever seeing from her time in the city, as her carriage trumbled along the cobblestone path. But that was a long time ago. Her memory of it, fractured and fleeting.

She could remember running through the corridors of her family's estate, laughter pouring from both her and her father, her mother's playful scolding following close behind.

She had been a child then. Now she was a woman grown. Straight backed, she pursed her lips as she stared into the darkness beyond.

There had been more colour in the world then. The London summer had been vibrant with them. She had loved it all, but now . . .

She found the world wasn't so vibrant anymore.

"We shan't be long now, my Lady." Athena's lady's maid, Helen, smiled tightly opposite her.

But Athena didn't tear her eyes away from the window, from what lay beyond it.

A life of navigating balls and scandals, gossiping mother's and eager courtiers, was what lay ahead, and she'd have to deal with all of it, all on her own.

     A life of navigating balls and scandals, gossiping mother's and eager courtiers, was what lay ahead, and she'd have to deal with all of it, all on her own

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