Chapter 6

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The latest story in the news is that Nicholas Jasper's cousin, Noelle has been killed by the quote on quote, "Hooded Assassin'. Calum was never a fan of the news because they never get the story behind his kills right. He's up watching in his boxers in the small living room of your apartment that he's been sharing with you as a hideout. The funeral service was open to the public and Nick's twitter followers were allowed access to meet him, which was pointless to Calum. If Calum did follow him then he'd stab him on sight and run. It's packed with plenty security guards and cops. Wouldn't have been an easy escape.

"The bitch deserved to die. She was killing men who didn't want to date her." Calum changed the channel to something else. He gets up and walks to your room. Watching you fast asleep is the cutest thing Calum has ever seen. He crawls on the bed pressing soft kissed on your cheek. The feel of his soft lips woke you up. "Good morning." Calum nuzzled in your neck.

"Morning." You yawned tracing your hand up his back.

"Your so cute when your sleep." Calum giggled.

"Thanks. So are you."

"Thank you. Nobody's doing anything today. Wanna go to the mall or something?" 

"Sure. What if someone sneaks up on us and kills us?"

"I'm too quick for them. I already think two steps ahead." Calum rolls off the bed, "How many guys do you know that moves a quick as me?"

"None that I know of besides you." You said throwing the blanket off you. You walked to the window and opened up the shades to the beaming sun. "It's a beautiful day out. I say we go to the beach."

"Why the beach? Can we just be lazy and cuddle in bed all day?" Calum feel out on the bed and opened up his arms for you.

"We do that all the time. It's a beautiful day and besides a beach date wouldn't be too bad would it?"

"On second thought, If it's a date then I'm in." Calum stood up and kissed you.

"And besides the world will get to see the new and improved Calum with a blonde streak in his head." You joke put your hand through his hair and massaging his scalp.

"You just had to point that out did you." Calum gave you a straight face.

"Oh Calum." You laughed kissing him forehead and his lips. "It was just a joke and you look good with a little blonde.

"Well if you say so." Calum shrugged. "Can we go to be beach already?"

"Are you rushing me?"

"Not really. I'm looking forward to seeing you shirtless." Calum pulled the hem of your shirt teasingly.

"Whatever, Cal." You kissed him and hugged around his neck. "I love you, Calum."

"I love you more." Calum lightly squeezed you butt and you quickly backed up looking at him. "What? I couldn't resist."


"I'm tired of walking." Calum pants.

"We are almost here." You turned to an hot and sweaty Calum. Finally you two made it to the clear blue beach. 

"Finally!" Calum dropped everything in the sand and quickly removed his shirt revealing his tattooed body. While your getting situated, he stood there and watching you impatiently.

You looked back at him. "What?"

"Shirt off. Now." Calum impatiently snapped his fingers. 

"Don't rush me." 

"I'll take it off for you." Calum grabbed the bottom of your shirt and pulled it over your head.


"Yeah." Calum held out a hand for you to grab. You took it and walked down to the water with him. On the way down the water hits the shore and goes up your and Calums feet.

"Ah shit! It's cold!" Calum ran away.

"Calum, come on." You moaned.


"Please?" You faked a pout that you knew Calum couldn't resist.

"Oh alright." Calum walked into the water with you. You and Calum took a few steps into the water until it was up to both of your waist.

"See not that bad right?" You asked him.

"Not bad at all." Calum sat down in the water and pulled you down with him. You two kissed each other a few times like no one was watching. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your body. He see's someone walking the water out the corner of his eye and it's a familar face.

"Shit! Not him." Calum whipsered.

"Who?" You asked.

"Behind you." 

You broke from the hug and looked being him to a guy who looks like who's minding his business. "How is he posing a threat?"

"That's one of Nick's guys-"

"Hey cutie." The guys looks a bit older and he's hitting on you. You've already made the assumption that the guys is a creep.

"Can I help you?" You didn't bother to say hi to the guy.

"Nope." He moved you out the way and attacked Calum choking him underwater. This is supposed to be your date with Calum, not a day where you two get attacked.

"Get off him!" You jumped on the guys back trying to put him in a chokehold. He eased off Calum allowing him to breathe when he comes back up. 

"Get off me!!" The guy tries to throw you off his back. Calum's just standing there watching you in action. Calum shrugged and tackled the guy in the water while you were in his back. Your still holding the guy and Calum pulled you and the guy apart. He tries to punch Calum but he dodges holding his arm. Calum took his free hand and snapped the guys elbow out of place and flipping him in the water.

"Are you okay?" You walked up behind him.

"Am I okay?! Where did that side of you come from?" Calum was amazed.

"Oh well....I don't know. I just wanted a normal date with you but he came along." You blushed looking down in the water.

"The guy isn't dead yet." Calum looked at the uncosious floating body on his back. "I'll just take him to shore and leave him there. 

"We can go back home if you want?"

"Yeah sure." Calum agreed.

The beach date was short lived but it made Calum love you even more. Calum's on the verge of convincing you to be his sidekick.

The Hooded Assassin: Calum Hood (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now