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Everything was changing. Again.
It wasn't anything new for us Andersons.

I stared up at the large house in front of us in awe. Dad said it was the biggest house in the small town called Salta Bay.  It's the biggest house we've lived in, it was your average beach house, with large gates all around it.  The security was insane, It had a face recognition thing at the front gate, and could only be opened by me, my brothers, and my dad.  People were running around preparing everything. This house has been in my family for a long time, my grandparents bought it when they had my dad, he grew up here, it's where my grandparents have lived all their life, and yet I've been here only a handful of times.

"Yeah, it's exactly how I remember it" My twin brother Wesley stated. He was looking around the area around the front door in fascination.  He always did have a soft spot for this house.

I nodded at his words. "Wes, did you really expect it to change?"

"It hasn't been used in years, of course, it hasn't changed," My 19-year-old brother Matthew said coming to stand next to us.

We were the youngest of the 5 of us, our two older brothers, 22-year-old Scott and 23-year-old Jason we're helping out the servants unloading our belongings while we continued to stand in the doorway and stare.

A sudden idea came to mind and I bolted up the staircase directly in front of us.  "See ya losers, im gonna go find a room!"
My grandma had this room that she loved, whenever we came I would always go there and sleep there.  It's technically the attic, it had lots of windows and a balcony, it faced the beach and you could hear the waves and seagulls. Grandma used to read to me there and sometimes we would read together, with music playing in the background.

The room was just like I remembered, To the hardwood floor, to the ugly blanket, that I loved; Grandma made

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The room was just like I remembered, To the hardwood floor, to the ugly blanket, that I loved; Grandma made.
My Grandpa was a singer when he was younger he's retired now, and my grandma was a painter she still paints and still is pretty famous for her pieces.  My grandpa wanted my dad to follow his lead in the music industry but instead, my lovely father decided to become a traveling lawyer, he wasn't around much but whenever he had to go somewhere really far away he would move us a couple of hours away from him.  I'm not even gonna get into my mom, I want nothing to do with that crazy woman, she still gives me nightmares.

I guess you could say we're pretty wealthy, we never used our money much though. We used to live on a farm in Oregon and didn't use our money very often unless we were forced to.

"Why am I not surprises you chose this room?"
I spun around and saw the oldest Anderson sibling.  Jason. 
He raised us, he wasn't able to be a kid and live because he was too busy taking over Dad's job.

I laughed and threw my backpack on the Queen size bed I have slept on a million times.  "And im assuming you took Nana and Papa's room?"
Jason shook his head "No I got strict instructions that no one is allowed to take over that room"
Our grandparents were traveling the world right now, as they've always wanted.

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