2: Race

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I turned off my alarm as it blared in my ears.
Today was the first day of school for me.
Starting in the middle of the school year. Great. I thought.

I brushed my teeth and put on grey sweatpants with a white t-shirt and a black hoodie over them. I didn't bother dressing up, Wesley would probably be mad at my choice of clothes on our first day but I could care less really.

I was right. As soon as I got downstairs to the kitchen, Wesley glared at me.
"What the hell are you wearing?"
I ignored him and went straight to the coffee pot.
The servant's Grandpa hired to keep the house clean and safe weren't here, Jason sent them saying he'd call if we need anything, we never really liked others cleaning and cooking for us.
Matt was sitting on the counter when I poured my coffee. He was scrolling on his phone not paying attention to me but as soon as I went to walk away he called out to me.

"Grandma called today, she said she's sending you some more books," he said.
I nodded. This wasn't unusual. Grandma would often send me books she bought from different countries all the time, the amount of books that I have that are in different languages is uncountable.

I sat down at the table next to Wesley ignoring his glares.

"Where's Jace and Scott?" I asked. Before anyone could answer my two brothers in question came walking into the kitchen. They both had smiles on their faces and we're carrying pieces of paper.

"We did it!" Jason practically yelled.

"Did what?" Wesley asked.
Scott sat next to me, taking my coffee from my hands and drinking, which earned him a hard slap on the head.
"We got the job at the boxing gym!" Jason said.

Wesley and I shared a confused look. We've always been close, not that I wasn't close with my other brothers, but being twins, me and Wesely have always been the closest. Whenever we were confused, worried, mad, or whatever we would look at each other. When we were younger we held hands a lot and had sleepovers, especially when he or I had nightmares.

"Boxing gym?" Wesley asked.
I stole back my coffee from Scott glaring at him. He just smiled at me and answered Wesley's question.

"It's not too far from here, the owner was hiring so we decided to apply for trainer jobs"

Back in Oregon Scott and Jason, were boxing coaches at a local gym. Everyone knew them and would want to be trained by them. Having famous grandparents plus two very popular older brothers was sometimes a little too stressful for me.

Scott and Jason continued talking about the gym while Wesley tried to talk me into changing my clothes.
He was the fashion freak of the family. Being his only sister, he likes to try to dress me up, but I always end up winning in the end. But this time I was feeling generous.
With a roll of my eyes, I left and went back to my room, changing into some dark jeans, a black tank top, and my leather jacket over it.

I didn't bother with make-up or straightening my naturally curly hair, instead, I tied it into a messy bun. My phone was charging by the window that was facing the neighbor's house. I quickly unplugged it about to walk back downstairs when a loud roar caught my attention.

I've always loved cars. Growing up with brothers who also love cars, does something to you. So when I saw the Steel matte black mustang pull into my only neighbor's driveway I immediately opened my window to look at it. 
It looked to be a 1959 mustang GT.
My favorite. I thought.
I completely ignored the dark figure getting out of it and just admired the beautiful thing in front of me.

"Wes, come check out this hot ass car!" I yelled. As if on cue My twin came into my room and peered out the window.
He let out a low whistle. "That's sexy"
"It's a '59' I'm almost positive," I said breathlessly

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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