Chapter 3

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Mike had planned out everything, he wasn't really going to be away for four days, he isn't even going to Chicago for an away game. He was at Mark and Ivey's, he needed the couple's help for his surprise for Carrie. He called Carrie every once in a while, pretending to be on a break from practice and today is just the end of the second day. Tomorrow, he'd be going back to their home, surprising Carrie for a breakfast in bed and then the rest of the day would go as Mark and Ivey had planned.

Nobody could wipe the smile on his face as he laid on the bed on the guest room. He couldn't wait to see his beautiful wife tomorrow. He was beyond excited.

It was 5:30 in the morning when his alarm went off and he got up quickly, without any hesitation. No tossing and turning on the bed just as what he would do on ordinary days. He went straight to the bathroom and took a shower before sprinting down the stairs.

He left a note on the kitchen counter telling Mark and Ivey that he had already left. Thanking them both for all the help they did.

He hopped on his truck, placing Carrie's favorite cupcakes Ivey had baked on the passenger's seat and drove straight to the nearest flower shop to buy Carrie a bouquet of her favorite ones. This day could not go any wrong.

Usually, Carrie wakes up by 8am so he still have an hour to perfect everything in their house. He opened the front door, quietness greeted him. He tried to be as quiet as he can, careful not to make any noise that will wake Ace and Penny up that will be the key to waking Carrie up.

He set his bags down and headed towards the stairs, thankfully the door is creeked open so it wouldn't make any noise just to peek at his beautiful wife.

Though the sight the welcomed him isn't what he was expecting. Carrie was peacefully sleeping, and Brad was hugging her from behind. He stood there, shocked as one can imagine. He didn't know what to do.

After a few minutes, staring at how the two were spooning, he got to his senses and turned on his back. He quietly jogged downstairs, bringing the box of cupcakes and bouquet of flowers with him. He started the car and drove to nowhere.

He parked on this dirt road and stared blankly into the steering wheel. How could his wife do that to him? That's when the floodgates swung wide open. He planted his head on his hands and cried. For all he knows, they were very happy. Wasn't he enough? So many questions bombarded his mind and thinking about them one by one almost made his head hurt.

He got out of the car and walked through the woods towards the cabin where he and Carrie usually go whenever they have free time and just wanted to relax. Sure, it reminded him of a lot of things and memories but has nowhere else to go. He can't tell Mark and Ivey what he witnessed at home. He can't make the image of his wife bad to their friends especially their best friends.

Carrie awoke to Brad kissing her arm. "Good Morning." She said sleepily, turning her head to face Brad, before sitting up.

"Morning." He smiled. Brad gave Carrie a kiss on the lips before going inside the bathroom to shower. "Wanna join?" He asked, smiling.

"Sure." Carrie replied standing up, clutching the bedsheet to her petite body. She went inside the bathroom and they both showered together. An hour later they were both downstairs, making breakfast. Carrie hadn't heard of Mike this morning yet so as Brad with Kim and the kids and so they called their spouses.

"Hey baby." Carrie greeted as Mike answered the phone.

Mike bit his lip, trying so hard not to cry again. "Hey princess." Just hearing Carrie's voice already made his heart hurt, how much more if he sees her in person. He didn't know what to do. "You just woke up?" He asked.

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