Chapter 4

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Mike didn't know whether to confront Carrie about what he saw. He sat down the couch across Carrie, he couldn't even look her in the eye. It just hurts him so bad, that everytime he looks at his wife's face, he kept picturing her with Brad. "I'm sorry, I got you worried." He said looking up at carrie and finally meeting her eyes.

Carrie couldn't quite contain her nervousness. She kept fidgeting with her fingers, her mind keeps playing things that might happen in just a few moments. Mike could leave her. And she didn't know if she could deal with that. "What happened?" She asked, already preparing herself for what was about to come.

Mike looked down, trying to think from the bottom of his mind what to reason out. "I've just been thinking lately." He started, though he wasn't sure what to say next.

"About what?" Carrie asked again. Her mind kept circling around about lies. Lies that she had told Mike for Brad. She thought about telling Mike everything tonight, maybe he could still forgive her.

"If i'm being a good husband to you." He lied. Maybe what he saw earlier today was just one-time thing, but he'll find out soon. "If i'm enough of a husband, if i'm doing what i'm supposed to do. If i'm making you happy." He met Carrie's gaze once again. "Am I?" He asked, tears welling up in his eyes. Obviously, he couldn't control his emotions anymore.

"You are more than enough." Carrie emphasized. "You always make me happy. You are so good to me. You treat me like royalty, that sometimes I think that I don't deserve you." Her voice trailing off as she came to the end of the sentence. She didn't know if what she said helped her situation but she didn't know what else to say.

Mike wiped the tear that managed to race down his cheek. He nodded. That's all he had to hear. "Good night." He said before getting up on his seat and made his way to the stairs.

Carrie's heart hurt at seeing Mike cry. Mike just never cry, at least not in front of her and seeing him now, with a possibility that it's because of her made her hate herself. "Wait." Carrie said following behind Mike. "Are you mad at me?"

Mike stopped in his tracks and took a couple of seconds before turning to face his wife. "Is there a reason for me to be mad at you?" Mike asked, trying his best not to shed another tear.

Carrie shook her head no. She didn't know what else to say. She wouldn't wanna add anything to what Mike is feeling right now. She concluded that Mike probably didn't see her and Brad. She hoped Mike didn't.

Mike nodded his head again, smiling softly. "Let's sleep." He said holding out his hands and enveloped Carrie into his arms. He kissed her temple. "I love you." He whispered, before they went upstairs. He couldn't stand the look on his wife's face. He just wants her to smile. Always.

Carrie stopped by the doorway before facing her husband and smiled. "I love you." She leaned up and gave Mike a peck on the lips. Somehow a feeling of relief came over her. She needed to end things with Brad. And now, she is making sure that it wouldn't end up like before their wedding.

Mike instantly drifted off to sleep due to the stress held by today's shocking events. He was more than tired, and he just wants to rest.

Carrie, on the other hand, could not fall asleep. Her back was facing Mike, Mike's arms around her waist. She kept thinking of ways to end things with Brad. With that in mind, she couldn't relax. How is she going to tell Brad? When and what?


"Hey." A message from Brad read the next morning. Mike is not beside her when she woke up. She sat up, thinking whether to reply or not though she decided to, thinking it would be a good timing to tell him everything.

"Hey, we need to talk." She replied bluntly before hopping out of bed and brushing her teeth. She wasn't even finished with brushing her teeth when her phone vibrated. She immediately washed her mouth and face, sprinting towards the bedside table.

"What about?" It read.

"I'd tell you later. Same place at 3." She replied before erasing the conversation and locked her phone. She began making their bed when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. She turned her head around and smiled when a pair of crystal eyes of blue greeted her. "Morning." She chirped.

"Good morning, beautiful." Mike kissed the side of Carrie's face. "Breakfast's ready." He smiled before taking Carrie's hand, leading her downstairs.

Carrie was confused at first at her husband's sweet actions though she decided to just let it fly. She was more than positive that sphe did not see her and Brad yesterday and that took one problem off her shoulder. "What did you prepare?" She asked.

"Eh, just your favorites." Mike chuckled. From this day on, he would do everything he can to keep Carrie from being with Brad. To prove that he was enough. That Carrie does not need Brad. It may sound a little possessive but hey, what would you do if you were Mike?

Carrie grinned. "Thank you." She said, wrapping her arms around Mike's waist.

"What for?"

"Everything." She whispered, smiling. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" She giggled.

"You've probably done something really horrible to be stucked with me." Mike ducked down, capturing Carrie's lips in a languid kiss though even before their lips met, Carrie ran towards the kitchen sink.

Carrie emptied her stomach on the kitchen sink, Mike holding her hair back and stroking her back. She straightened up before washing her mouth.

"Are you alright?" Mike asked, worried.

Carrie shrugged. "I don't know, I suddenly felt nauseous." She said washing her mouth again. "Probably just a stomach bug."

"You haven't ate anything yet." Mike frowned. "Do you want to go to the doctors? See what's wrong."

"Carrie shook her head no. "I'll be fine." She forced a smile. "How about we eat now? The food's getting cold."

Mike nodded. "By the way, i'm taking you out tonight." Mike smiled.

"Where to?"

"It's a surprise, Mrs. Fisher." He chuckled.

"How do I know what i'm wearing?" Carrie stuck her bottom lip out.

Mike shook his head, laughing. "Just wear something you're comfortable on." He started on his food.

"Anyway, I have to go meet Brad at 3, is that okay?" Carrie asked nervously.

Mike's brows creased. "Sure. What for, though?" He asked.

Carrie's mind started racing again, she didn't know what to tell him, of course, it will end up in another lie. "About this duet we're going to do for his new album." She said. It's true though, they have another duet for his Moonshine In The Trunk album, so it wasn't a complete lie.

"Oh?" Mike frowned. "You didn't tell me about this new duet."

"He actually just told me the other day." Carrie replied.

"Okay." Mike smiled, to Carrie's relief. "Just be home by 5. Do you have anything else planned today?"

"Nope. Completely free." She giggled.

Mike wiggled his eyebrows, grinning.

"What?" Carrie laughed.

Mike shook his head. "Nothing, i'll be upstairs." He smiled before heading towards the stairs to their bedroom.

"I'll be up in a minute." Carrie replied, finishing her waffles. She cleaned up the table first, placing the plates on the sink. After, she jogged up the stairs to their bedroom, finding Mike watching TV. "Hey baby."

Mike's head shot up. "Hey." He patted the space beside him. "How about a horror movie?"

"Sounds good to me." Carrie laughed. Laying besde Mike, her head on his chest. "I missed this." She looked up at him. "I missed you."

Mike leaned down and captured his wife's lips. "I love you." He slowly hovered over Carrie, kissing her again.

Carrie let out a short breath when Mike's kisses drifted to her neck and further more South. "I love you."

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