Chapter 1

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"Ivy." My mum called knocking on my door. I had been awake for around five minute drifting in and out of dreams, unhurriedly, I sat up the colour slowly seeped into the room. My small boxy room enclosed around me, I loved this room, my brothers shared rooms and thankfully I have my own room now. I swang my legs around on to the cold wooden floor wincing slightly as it sent a cooling shock through me. I stood up, grabbed my uniform from my wardrobe and pulled it on so that no one would walk in on me. I wasn't ready for that not today, we have no locks on our doors and no one seems to understand what knocking is, I've been walked in on a couple of time. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.
I pulled on a pair of my 'hot pants' basically just very short navy shorts, grabbed a wide-tooth comb from my bedside table and began undoing my plats from last night. I walked out of my room to see Jacob standing with a towel around his waist and a moaning look on his face, "Harry," he called slightly angrily knocking on the door of the bathroom, "Hurry the hell up, how long do you take?" I looked at him and laughed slightly. I think he noticed because he turned his head to look at me, "I am never swapping with you again." He said.
He had a very strong and muscular body with imposing shoulders, his hair was dark brown and more messed up than I had ever seen it. His piercing blue eyes stared deep into my soul, "Do you even know how long he takes?" He was 17 years old, three years older than me and the 4th eldest out of my brothers.
"Of course I know how long he takes, I usually have to wait for him," I say with a slight smile as I finally hear the water turn of end outcomes Harry. He is slightly shorter than Jacob with longer hair and green eyes, his shoulders are smaller but his feistiness makes up for that.
"Calm down brother," he says making a pouting face, he is the youngest of my brothers coming in at 15 and he takes advantage of that. I, focused on my hair, walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I brush through my unruly brown hair and begin to pull it back into dutch platts ending at the bottom of my head and then into two ponytails which poof out at the bottom.
"Chandler, " my mother calls as she opens the front door, "You're in charge, make sure no one does anything stupid and they get to school on time."
She works as a Doctor at our local hospital so she leaves early and comes back late. Chandler walks into the kitchen behind me, his loud footsteps seem to echo through the house, "Could you walk any louder Chazer." Louis says standing by the toaster and combing his blonde hair back. Chandler goes round and hits him on the back of the head lightly, "Don't call me Chazer."
He pouts dramatically and moans sarcastically, "Ivy, Chazer hit me." I chuckle to myself slightly as the toast pops.
Chandler is wearing a purplish button up top that he would call 'navy' but it's more purple, and black trousers.
"Buenos Dias familiar," Marty says at speed clasping his cold hands onto my shoulders. I nearly jump out of the stool, "Ha, made you jump." he pats me on the head lightly and we laughed for a bit. He has a very slim lanky frame, his hair is always messed up he is just a little crazy but he is very loveable.
In a few minutes, all my brothers are downstairs and I have finally tired both Dutch plats up Alex is eating some toast; Loius has just finished his; Marty is cooking three boiled eggs for himself, Jacob and Harry; Chandler is having Pancakes and I sit am sitting scribbling notes down for a great new story I have come up with.
So basically, it's about this world where people are determined by what they look like, at the moment I'm trying to draw up a character template for my main character Finley. "Ivy." Jacob says sitting down next to me with a boiled egg, "Have you had breakfast?" I nod automatically as I'm not listening to him, I haven't had breakfast but that will just make him worry so I lie.
"When?" asked Chandler suddenly extremely concerned by this, he was down at the same time as me so I don't know how ill get out of it, so I say.
"Before you all came down." I look up from my drawing to see that all my brothers seem now very concerned, "Guys, calm down you all look so nervous."
"You can't of had it before we were down here, " Louis says, "I was down here with mum and she went up to wake you." Well down Louis now that's my cover blown. I look back down to my drawing and wish I was there, it would be better than this situation I'm in now. Or at least I could write my way out of it, I looked up to my brothers, Chandler had his hand on his head his eyes growing with anger. Everyone looked up to him worried realising what was going to happen.
"Look I'm Sorry Chan-" I try to calm him down before he would have an outburst.
"No Ivy, you lied, do you even remember what father always used to say?" he shouts, everyone's eyes were trying to avoid the area.
"Yes and I'm sor-"
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Are you anorexic or something?" he asked accusingly.
I shake my head, "Chandler please just stop shouting, maybe she just wasn't hungry." Marty backs me up stepping behind me, I nod know that this won't make the situation better but still I do.
"It doesn't matter, she needs to have breakfast." he looks up at Marty. Oh, so I'm a 'she' now, I'm right here.
"Look, I'm sorry Chandler but I'm just not hungry." I say while twisling my pen in my fingers. He grabs the pen forcing me to look up at him, "I said I wa-"
"No, " he shakes his head, he's not exactly angry but disappointed.
"This is where you zip it. The adult is talking." Marty whispers jokingly behind me, a line from one of his favourite films- Spiderman Homecoming. I smile slightly, but then remember what was going on in this universe.
"You can't just skip meals." he says slightly less angry than before and walks of dropping my my pen on the table. I pick up my pen, looking around at my brothers, Louis was already focused back on his egg, slightly shocked still but trying to hide it.
"Im going upstairs to get ready." I say picking up my notepad and pen and walking out the room with my head down. I try not to make eye contact with them but I look up to Marty, hopefully for some residence but he quickly looks away knowing not to enter into this. My brothers were very protective of me after me my fathers passing when I was seven, it was suicide, I didn't like to think about it. I look up to the clock and it reads, 8:00, I have five minutes until we leave for school so I go past three doors to my own. I recently drew up my door sign, it looked as if ivy was growing all over a white brick wall and then I wrote 'Girl's Only' in thick black marker on it to keep my brother out hopefully. I grabbed my navy bag of the hook on my door, pulled my phone of charge and slipped it into the front pocket, which was marked with a green button with blue string. I looked up to the wall and read through my lessons checking I had the right book for each one: Science with Mr Right, Spainish with Dr Kicelly, Art with Ms Johnston, PE with Miss Moses and Maths with Mr Chanise -otherwise known as Mr Chinese or Mr Chopsticks since as he always had chopsticks in his back pocket. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face in Mums bathroom because the boys were all in the first floor one then ran down the two fights of stairs.
Jacob, Loius and harry were all by the door in their uniforms. Jacob had his top two buttons undun, Louis looked like someone had just dropped a bucket on his head and Harry shoes were all scuffed even though we were only in October. I went over to the door and slid my feet into my ballet-like shoes with small bows on. My skirt sat just onto my knee, ugh, I couldn't roll it until I got out of sight of my brothers, I doesn't think they realised that boys don't look up girls skirt and even if they do they wouldn't look up mine. I do ballet four times a week which means I have no free time and still have to look like a ballerina who eats most of the time. My classes are at a prestigious school with a very big pay check but thankfully I got a scholarship, even though the other girls look down at me sometimes.
I swing my bag round onto my shoulders and follow Harry out the door and Jacob locks up behind us. "Has everyone got everything 'cause I'm not coming back- got it?" he turns around to us. I nod and we walk out onto the pavement.

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