Chapter 3

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The rest of the day was ok. Lunch was kinda weird, especially being the only one with school lunch meaning that when year 9's were called I was lonely but I eventually found a friend from primary school who I hadn't talked to much but I did then- which was nice.
I walk around the block trying to find Lila because we were meant to go to Pottery Club together, that would be fun; in the end, I just decide to head to Art3 and see if she is there. Last class I wasn't with any of my close friends, that is very annoying as they're all together, but I was closer to Art3. I begin to make my way down corridor, which always with that weird flooring (the blue one with small coloured flecks) towards pottery class.
Before I enter Art 3 I knock on the heavy wooden door checking it is the right class, "Come in." Mr Visser says in his comforting Dutch accent.
"Lila." I say walking over to her table, "Hi Sir, I didn't know you were running this."
"You're late." Lila laughed slightly.
"I was looking for you," I say keeping my voice down.
"Ok, today we are going to use the clay to make anything of your choosing, from bowl to statue." Mr Visser says.
He begins to hand out the clay talking to the few people who are in the classroom. Even though I'm terrible at art, Mr Visser is one of my favourite teachers. He is a very tall man, I think I remember him walking into a door frame once, with messy blonde hair and big blue eyes behind funky glasses.
"Ivy," he began pushing up his glasses, "I didn't expect to see you here."
Now that was a nice way of saying, 'Why are you here you're terrible at art'.
"I came with Lila," I say looking over to her.
"Yeah, she promised," Lila says picking up a piece of clay.
"Good to see you both here." And he moves on to the next table.
"What am I meant to do with this?"I say looking at the clay my eyes narrowed.
"Just make something, anything," Lila says sticking her thumbs into the clay.
"Right," I say copying her movements.
From the looks of things, she was making someone's eyes; mine on the other hand did not end up like someone's eyes but more like an 'abstract emotion', that's what I called it, for an art teacher anything with emotion is gonna work.
"And these will come out of the firn next week." Mr Visser says as we walk out the door.
"See ya tomorrow Ivy," Lila says as we go our separate ways.
"Bye." I wave to her.
The walk home is dark and boring, my feet pounding into the floor as I pass through the town seeing some groups of girls on their phones. As soon as I'm out of town my mind fills with thoughts of the new ballet dance we were learning: soubresaut, soubresaut, assemblé, rond de jambe and grande allegro. It was a nice but fast dance and being on pointe meant that my feet were always cramping up but it was ok.
"Ivy, where were you?" Harry says as he swings down the bannister.
"Pottery club," I say having my coat up on my peg.
"Pottery Club? You're terrible at art." Harry says as I pull off my shoes.
"Thank you." I smile, "I promised Lila."
"The short one?" He asks running a hand through his floppy, brown hair in the mirror.
"Yeah with glasses," I say placing my shoes away and heading into the living room.
"Can you help me with this History?" Harry smiles with brown puppy dog eyes to convince me.
"Fine but only for a but, I have homework of my own," I say walking over to the island with two stalls.
"Ok, so I got the first bit but after that, it says to answer, 'What was the main reason war broke out in 1914?'" he says pointing at the task on his phone.
"Ok, well I think one of the reason was that assassination by the black hand gang." I begin and he agrees to jot down ideas onto a notepad.
Around five minutes later, when I finish giving harry ideas on what to write for his homework, I go over to my bag and pull out the books I have for homework. I make my way upstairs and into my bedroom turning on a light and pulling my curtains and, on hearing Louis humming to himself in the room next to me, I begin humming along with him trying to figure out the tune. I put the books back on the shelf and place my Science book on the desk to do my homework.
By the end of my homework, while constantly humming the tune Louis was even though he had stopped, I had worked it out to be Ophelia by the luminaries.
"Done." I say to myself out loud leaning back on my chair relieved, "O-Ophelia you been on my girl since the flood."
I stand up putting away my books before checking my timetable and taking the books for tomorrow downstairs and hear the racket even louder from down here.
"Jacob, I've been at work all day can I get to choose what to watch," Chandler says in the room next to me.
"Chandler, you've been watching it for 10 minutes." He says adding to the shouting match.
Once I pack my bag I listen to the argument from outside, "Can you both shut up." Marty says just coming into the argument.
"Completly agree," I say walking in and dropping down next to Marty.
"Ivy isn't it your day to cook," Chandler says remaining me just to stay out of it.
"Right now?" I say looking up at Marty for help.
"Yes," Chandler says affirmatively, making Jacob smile slightly like he's won.
"Ok, ok, what are we having?" I say putting my hand up and standing up.
"You decide," Jacob says.
"Ok, I'm going to get changed first," I say walking upstairs leaving the living room more peaceful than I had entered in.
I get changed into a pair of shorts, a big oversized grey jumper and roll up the sleeves so they don't hang down over my hands. It hangs down over my short shorts which makes me feel warm and very comfortable. I run downstairs to begin to make dinner for everyone.

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