Chapter 2

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Around thirty minutes later we had arrived at the school gates, Louis and Harry had gone up the back way and me and harry we're just splitting up as we walked through the gates. "See ya." he said walking over to his friends on the field, I lifted my hand to wave slightly but he's already gone. I walk towards the front office until I see Charlotte, Millie, Rosie and Sophie standing talking by the humanities block. I quiken up and walk over to them rolling my skirt up as I go, not to high but like a few inches above my knee so I don't look like a year seven.
"Hello girls." I say walking up to them.
"Finally." Lilian jokes embracing me in a big hug where they all seem to join in before pulling away in laughter.
"Its been so long, " Charlotte says, "I wish we could have all met up over the holidays."
"I know Char but you were away, not your fault." I say trying not to make her feel bad.
"I was in Spain." Rosie pipes up.
"Oh my God- I nearly forgot, how was Spain?" Millie asks as we all turn to our tanned friend.
"It was great but look at me know." she says sticking out her golden arms.
"You look like a chav." Lilian jokes.
"Better than you that time she used fake tan tho." Rosie says to Lilian.
"That was hilarious." Millie chuckles and we all laughed.
Our friendship group was all girls, not the popular cat-like group who no one actually likes, not the transformers trio. The trio is a group in are class: one couldn't speak, or just didn't; one got told of for drawing transformers in her books- she was actually really nice and the Ben the boy who would go around screaming at people that they are wearing clothes and tries to put his hand on people legs yeah he was not nice but thankfully they sat him on his own. I guess we were just the girls group, some of us could be counted as nerds, cough cough- me, some of use were athletic and some of us were just small and didn't really have anything to do with anything else.
Millie looked down at her watch and picked up her pale yellow backpack that perfectly complimented her dark skin tone, she was the tallest of us, her hair was constantly braided by her nan. Only once had I seen it down and that was 5 years ago in Primary school. She had warm brown eyes which, when in the sun, glinted like the embers of a fire.
"We should probably go to science." she huffed. We all picked up our bags and began to walk in the direction of the science block.
"Whose in my set?" asked Rosie, looking around at us, "I have Miss Witnell."
"Oh, I have Mr Right, I heard she was horrible, good luck." Charlotte laughs.
"Really, I have her as well, seen as Miss Carley went on maternity leave." Moans Gracie, "Anyway where's Lila?" she asks.
"Lila is always late, we weren't even away for that long. How can you forget." I laugh, "See ya at break."I say as we split up heading down the far end of the school near the field with Charlotte.
"Ivy." I hear a voice calling from behind me so I turn. Jacob is their with some of his friends who seem to be laughing at me, "What did I tell you about rolling your skirt?" he asks walking up to me. I feel my cheeks burn seeing his friends smirking while watching this play out. His friends were tall, muscular and one of them I'm pretty sure his dads in jail.
"I'm sorry." I say annoyed, "I don't want to look like a year seven." I try and explain.
"And what, you want to look like a slut." he says more under his breath, "Sorry, just pull it down, ok."
"Whatever." I say turning away unrolling my skirt a bit. I turn back to see Charlotte starting and her cheeks red, she turns back trying to hide the fact that she is blushing.
"Char, why are you blushing?" I aske hoping for a different answer I thought I would get.
"No reason." she pauses, tucking her light brown hair behind her strangely large ears. I look at her and squint my eyes, "Ok, ok, I can't lie to you Ivy." she rolled her ocean blue eyes, "Your brother-"
She started, "Oh God." I say under my breath.
"He's...umm...well... I might have a tiny crush on him." I turn to look at her. She is smaller than me, broad shoulders and sometimes looked like an elf, in a good way.
"You've got to be kidding me, why him?" I put my hand up to my head and push my hair back.
"You've got to admit he's fit." she turns to me with a slight smile.
"Oh, no, no, he is not." I say awkwardly laughing.
"I bet he is, have you ever seen him topless?" how could I answer that, course I have, he's my brother; what type of a question is that?
"I mean yes, but he's my brother." I turn to her and we walk up to our science class.
The door opens and Mr Right stands shivering and ushers us into the class. This classroom is known as 'Rights Pig Stye' because it looks like the cleaner haven't been in here for year's: the stools are cracked, burn marks everywhere, gum on the tables, glue sticks on the ceiling, the whole school field was in the room and someone had sworn they sore a finger once, ewgh.
"Ivy Stark." His voice rang through my ears and sent a shudder down my spine as he sawing his bag round onto the floor.
The class felt long and sitting next to him made it take even longer, unfortunately, learning about the anatomy of a plant would never be exciting. The sun shone through the window next to me and shadowed my fingers as I played with it and dappled the shadows on my book as Mr Right shouted at the boy next to Charlotte for something I don't think anyone understood.
"Collen Cowper." I say looking up at the boy next to you.
He was, well, what you would call the posh version of a jock, bright blue eyes, slick blonde hair and a very strong build. As captain of pretty much all the sports team and the son of the headmaster Mr Cowper (pronounced Cooper), he was popular- but no one liked him. He was a very posh snob and a very smart kid, I feel for him, his mother died around the same time as my dad.
"Today we are polishing the Chemistry test, we did before half term." a loud voice would shock people who didn't know the small Mr Right. He made his way around the class scolding students for not studying or just handing the tests to the people who did well. Charlotte sat on the other side of the room and got her test before me, she did alright which was proved by the fact that Mr Right just have it to her without saying much.
"96, Ivy and 90, Collen." he said walking past are blue-green desk and placing down the tests.
"Well done, Ivy." Collen said to me with a hint of jealousy in his voice knowing he got less to me.
"Well done to you to." I try and tell him so I can sound nice rather than scalding him.
Around two hours later, after Science and Spanish, was break. Spanish was fine, you were able to block out the surrounding boys as the argued with rulers- disgusting- and actually learn about the near future tence.
"Ivy, are you coming to pottery club." Lila asks me, my eyes widen as I realise I'd forgotten all about it.
"Umm, yes." I half question.
"Did you forget?" She sighs and jumps the last few steps of the stairs and looks up at me.
"Maybe but I'll be their, Art 3, right?" You ask joining her at the bottom of the stairs.
We used the back stairs, thankfully, and that meant we weren't trampled down by millions of people. There were a few: a older boy with a suitcase pulling it down the stairs which made so much noise, a year seven with a backpack that made him look tiny and a girl with strange overdone make up.
"Its Thursday my dudes." Millie says coming up behind us as we expected the tall dirty blocks and rapped her arms around are shoulders, having to bend down to Lila. It wasn't Thursday and we never knew why she said that but it was something that she had started to say since the start of Secondary School.
"Are you getting taller?" I say looking up to her.
"You could lend some to me." Lila laughes.
"If only I could." Millie says as we walk round the block to 'the bench'.
'The bench' used to be Charlottes sister- Bella- but we managed to move her off and claim it as our own so we meet there every morning and break. It was ugly and the back plank was broken so the person on the end would have to lean forward but it was better than standing in the middle. We arrived at the bench and the rest of the group were already their meaning with had to stand; I bent down to retrieve my lunch from my bag.
"Oh shit." I said realising I forgot my lunch.
"Ooo, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Lilian laughed while quoting Nick Fury from the Avengers.
"I forgot my lunch." I looked up to see her.
"Ouch, you got money?" Gracie says not understanding what Lilian was going on about.
"Nah, I took it out when I went sailing." I say thinking about asking one of my brothers.
"Sorry Ivy, I don't have any money on my thumb either, I would pay for you." Charlotte says indicating to the fact that I might have money on my thumb but I don't.
"Could someone come with me to ask Harry if he has any money." I say zipping up my bag and swinging it on my shoulder.
"I'll come." Millie says, "Do you know where he is?"
"Ill come to." Lilian says aswell, "Lets go see Spidey boy- that is the right one, right?"
She was the only one who understood the nicknames for my brothers- all marvel characters- they were made on family game night with my dad as Iron Man. Only a few weeks after that he died...
"Yeah, I think Harry will be round by drama." I say hoping he is there so we don't have to go round the whole school searching for at least one of them.
"Lets go then." Lilian says and they both pick up there bags and we start to walk round to Drama.
"See you in... Whatever's next?" Millie says as we leave the others.
"Are we going to look round the whole school for Harry or can any brother do it." Lilian says.
"I don't know, anyone but Jacob, I can't be bothered with that now." I say as we walk round the art towards drama, in the distance I see Marty, "Lets actually go to Marty, he's just over their. You don't have to come if you don't want to."
"Nah let's go." Millie says walking over to them.
His friends consisted of some girls and some boys, although he was definitely the scrawniest of them all.
"Hey, Marty." I say walking up to his group as the rest of them facing me tell him.
"Ivy what's up?" he says rubbing his arm.
"She forgot her lunch." Lilian says being the louder person out of her and Millie.
"Yeah, I was wondering if you have any money." I say as he moves out of the circle.
"I do, just a few pounds though." he says reaching into his bag and pulling out 3 pounds.
"Thank you, wait you have a lunch right?" I ask as he passes me the money.
"Yes, thankfully." he says smiling and the bells rings for next lesson.

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