Chapter 4

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"Please Sir Just tell me what happened, it hurts me to see you like this-" She was so emotional at this point that tears came down her eyes but she continued "-it hurts me to not even see you at all".

Gabriel looked at her, so upset over him, but he just too scared to say anything.

"What if i tell you something instead, maybe then you will feel more comfortable talking to me" He looked at her but looked down right away.

"The first time I met you, I was kinda scared of you, always serious, slightly cold to others, never talked much, but as time passed I learned to like that about you".

He looked at her confused. "Probably wasn't the best secret, but now that I told you I feel better about it, now please for your sake just tell me what's wrong ".

He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how. Around that same time Adrien came through the door and saw Nathalie sitting beside Gabriel who looked devastated.

"Nathalie you told me he was alright, he's clearly not".

She looked down for a second " I didn't want to worry you while you were at school, I'm sorry Adrien".

Adrien smiled "It's alright but why won't he speak?" Nathalie looked at him "I wish I knew but he won't even look at me".

"Father please say something, I beg you". Gabriel looked at him and faintly said "I-I don't know how, It's stupid anyways just- just leave m-me alone"he stuttered.

Adrien and Nathalie looked at eachother with a frown. "Gabe please". Did she just call him Gabe? She quickly corrected herself, "I-I mean Sir sorry about that..." He looked at her and smiled for a second but quickly changed to his previous sadden face.

Adrien left and Nathalie soon got up to follow him, but Gabriel took her wrist and pulled her into a hug. She was confused but happy, but mostly confused about her boss's recent behavior.

He probably just needed it, she tough to herself while hugging back with a smile.

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