Chapter 6

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It didn't make anysense for them both until it clicked for Gabriel.
" We aren't each other's nightmare, Nathalie, you were just part of it. Thinking about it now, losing you was my nightmare, you were just there to help me realize that".

But without me he can't get his wife back I can't do that to Gabriel, she thought to herself.

"Gabriel, losing me is't your worst nightmare, it not getting your wife back, without me being the price, how could you possibly do that, I want you to be happy"

She wants me to be happy so badly that she would give her life for me...But why... "Why do you care so much about my happiness? You risked so much in this past year, but why?"

Nathalie couldn't say why, she couldn't bring herself to. "Because.. Sir.. I'm your assistant".

Gabriel wasn't buying it, he knew she was lying but he was soon interrupted by Adrien coming in.

" Hello Nathalie, and hello father, I just wanted to check to make sure you were alright. "Yes I'm feeling much better Adrien"

He ran up to him and hugged his father and Nathalie before going out the door, which Nathalie then followed in order to make sure he was following his schedule.

(Long story short, when HM akumatized the kid into Sandboy again, by making him more powerful he had the power to combine people's dreams. In order for Gabriel to understand his nightmare, he had to have Nathalie in it too, and the nightmare being him loosing her ;-;)

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