Chapter 6

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          It had been a whole two days since they went to save Lucy from Edmund. He was arrested but was still in bad shape from Natsu nearly beating him to death. Wendy had just barely made it in time to get to Lucy. She started healing Lucy as soon as she got there. 

" Wendy ,please tell me you can her" Tears had started to fall from his eyes scared he lost the love of his life. " I think I can, if I had been a second later, it would be too late" she said as she got right to work using her healing magic. She was still in a very weakened state when they got to the hospital. 

Natsu's hands and clothes were still covered in blood from Lucy's wounds but he refused to go anywhere. Lucy's broken arm was wrapped in bandages and Wendy told him she would still be out for a while. The third day came, and she finally opened her eyes. "N..Natssu" she said groggily and weary. He grabbed her hand and smiled " I'm right here Luce" " What happened?" she asked him. 

 His hand started to shake remembering the events. " You were shot Lucy." Her eyes widened hearing that. " We..we barely got you back here, if it wasn't for Wendy..." He stopped and turned his body away from her. She heard his muffled crying. "Natsu..." She tried reaching with her good arm for him, but he turned back around. 

His face completely wet with tears, she could see from his blood shot eyes that he had been crying for a while and figured out what he wasn't saying. " Natsu, you did it, you saved me" She smiled warmly at him. " I didn't though, I got mad and took it out the bastard and left you..I didn't do anything" he said regretful.

She took his hand again , looked at him and said " you saved me by coming there, Natsu if you hadn't shown up when you did , who knows what shape I might be in now, you rescued me. I love you Natsu" Taking a seat on the bed next to her ,he replied "I love you too Lucy, more than anything in the world " he kissed the top of her head feeling relieved that she was safe. 

"Is all that blood from me?" she asked him noticing the dried blood on his hands and clothes. "yeah...ha. I haven't had chance to wash it off and I sure as hell wasn't about to leave you." He answered. "You should get some rest Luce, your still recovering" " please stay with me" she told him and next he swung his legs over , took her carefully in his arms so she could lay against him and they fell asleep.

Back at the guild, Erza and Gray with Happy were sitting at a table explaining what happened.

 " When she got shot, he lost it, this is even worse than three years ago " Gray told him. " Master we've known him a long time, but I have never seen him loose control like he did" Erza said worried. "Hmm, that is concerning, do you know where he is?" "He's with Lucy" Happy said. 

" Gramps, he almost beat the guy to death, if Erza and I hadn't of stopped him, that guy would be dead instead of in prison, we may have to watch him" added Gray questionably. 

" Don't assume anything Gray, you know Natsu would hate being watched , we will just keep an eye out is all" said Erza. 'Over the next few days if nothing happens then we wont worry about it anymore, given it just happened, I don't blame Natsu being angry, he deserves the chance to calm down" the others nodded their head in agreement. 

 "Natsu..why don't you go home and take a shower" she told him. They were asleep for a few hours when they woke up. "Are you sure?" he asked. "I'll be fine, I'm not going anywhere, look at me" she said with amusement. He didn't find it funny though, but he put on a smile, so she didn't see how upset he still was.

 Her fingers still looked horrible from defending herself , her body was still battered and bruised, and her arm broken. 

He felt himself start to slip emotionally so he quickly told her "Okay, I'll go shower and be back" but before he could leave Lucy asked, " can you please take those?" she was pointing to the clothes she had been bleeding in. 

They had ripped the clothes off her when they got to hospital and put her in a gown leaving the bloody clothes in a pile. " sure" he walked over hesitating to grab for a moment but then picked them and left. " I'll bring her some fresh clothes" he thought to himself on his walk home. It felt very strange coming home to a completely silent house. 

Nashi was still with Levy and Happy with the other two, so he was totally alone. He sighed and slowly got into the shower letting it wash over him. He closed his eyes and lifted his head to the water. He thought back to the clothes he brought bringing flashes of Lucy bleeding to death. Not paying attention, he slipped and almost fell completely out but he caught himself putting a hand to the wall. 

 Sweat started to come on his face as he put a hand to his face in fear "Go away..go away" he said out loud as the images kept coming. " No, no" not being able to take it anymore, he got out of the shower and knelt to the floor. Beating Edmund came rushing back to him. " What the hell happened to me?" looking at his hands , he was terrified of himself. Blood appeared on his fingers. "No!" He closed his eyes and then reopened them; the blood was gone. 

 Soaking wet he sat in a corner in the bathroom. "Come on Natsu, snap out of it" he told himself smacking his forehead with his hand. "get dressed and bring Lucy clothes, come on" he told himself making himself get off the floor. He dried himself off, slipped on a pair of pants and his vest. 

He looked to where he threw Lucy's bloody clothes. Annoyed he picked up the clothes and threw them in the fireplace. He gathered fire and spit it right on them. He stood there watching them burn. "hopefully these memories will go away with the clothes" he thought and then remembered he needed to bring Lucy clothes so he went and got some then headed back to the hospital. " I was starting to wonder where you went too" Lucy said when Natsu had gotten back. 

"Sorry, I got lost in thought" he apologized. " Natsu..?, look at me" she told him gently. He had his head down which he raised slowly to look at her. " What's wrong?, your eyes look so sad". "I..I cant tell you Luce, it's not that I can't ..just not ready to talk yet" Looking at him and hearing him made Lucy's heart ache as she waved him to her bed. When he got there, she grabbed his hand and looked right at him. 

"Okay, when your ready, I'll be ready to listen, we're in this together remember" she smiled looking at their wedding bands. "Damn ,how did I get this lucky, thanks Luce" Her cheeks turned pink as she smiled. 

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