Chapter 14

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     "Owww" Lucy yelped in pain putting her hand on her back. "That's going to take some time to heal Lucy but maybe Wendy can fix it, you want to go see her?" "please" Lucy and Natsu got out of bed. "Happy, can you watch Nashi? I'm going to take Lucy to Wendy to heal her back" explained Natsu. "you bet, go get Lucy healed". 

 Natsu had Lucy climb onto his back to get them there faster. " Wendy" he called when they got to the hospital. "Natsu?, what's wrong?" asked Wendy hearing him call her. Can you heal Lucy? She's got a bad bruise on her back" "sure ,bring her over here" Wendy guided them to a seat where Lucy could sit down. 

She lifted Lucy's shirt and saw the bruise in the middle. "ouch Lucy, how did you get that?." "a guy threw me into a tree hard" answered Lucy. "Well here, this will make it better" Wendy put her hands to Lucy's back and released her healing magic.

After a few minutes, her bruise was gone making Lucy feel all better. "thank you so much Wendy" she thanked. " I'm glad I could help" ." Let's go back and get the other two then head to the guild" said Lucy. " after you" Natsu said graciously bowing before her as she walked by. 

 She put a hand to her mouth laughing as she said "goofball". After they got their other members of their family, they went down to the guild. Makarov saw them come in and waved them over to where Gray and Erza were sitting.

 "These two told me what happened yesterday, are you alright child?" he asked Lucy. " yes, I'm good. I don't know what they were after or why. They ran before I could get any answers. I'm sorry" she apologized. Natsu put an arm around her and squeezed her shoulder. 

"It's not your fault Lucy and from the sounds of it ,there were too many for you to take on by yourself so let's count this as a small blessing, don't worry, we will find them" Makarov said confidently. "see you got nothing to worry about Lucy" Natsu brought her head to his shoulder and grinned. Lucy felt this warmth inside her having Natsu right there being so hopeful and confident. 

A part of her was still scared though but she wasn't going to worry the others with it. "So!" Lucy said taking her head off Natsu's shoulder. "Anyone want to look for any small jobs?" "Sure..take a break from the big ones" said Gray casually. "Hey!, here's one, they need magic to help get them fish..oooooh yummy yummy fishies!" Happy started drooling. "Well might as well and Happy deserves a treat. " said Lucy Happy went up and gave her a high five which she returned with a smile and a soft wink. 

"Let's go then, I'm fired up!, come on Nashi!" she jumped up and down excited to go as the six of them went off to the fish village.

A village not too far from Magnolia needed help collecting fish because the path for fish to swim through their village had been cut off and nobody could break it and thus couldn't get fish for them to eat. "Ha, this is eas" " Gray cut Natsu off "Cool it firebreather, this is my specialty," he grinned wickedly as he made an ice make hammer to cut through all the rocks and stick and mud blocking the path and then he used his fist to slam down what was left. 

The water began flowing and fish began swarming coming through the path. "Ha, easy as pie". Natsu annoyed and feeling useless started to pick a fight when Erza glared at him knocking him down a peg and muttering to himself.

 "Here you go Happy" said Gray as he had a few fishes in his arms. "Ahhhh, fishies!!!" His eyes shined with thankfulness and joy as he took the fishes and shoved all but one into his pack on his back. They laughed small laughs as they watched Happy devour the fish. "let's head on back guys" said Erza. "Right!" they all complied and started their walk back to Fairy Tail. "That was a short and easy job huh? Said Mira as they walked back in. The team went and sat at the bar. "Yup but sometimes simplicity can be a great thing" said Erza . 

 "Wise words Erza ,I agree, so now why don't u guys just relax" Mira happily suggested. "Don't have to tell me twice" said Natsu and just like that ,he was asleep.  

The others just shook their heads laughing. "hee hee daddy is sleeping" Nashi teased pulling at his hair. "Alright come on you, stop playing with dad's hair, he's earned a nice rest" Lucy grabbed Nashi into her lap while putting her hand on Natsu's back rubbing it and running it through his hair gently.

 Memories of him came to her head as her cheeks turned a light pink and a great big grin came to her face. " I can't say that your wrong Lucy, knucklehead has been pushing himself like crazy" Gray agreed. " I was just thinking of him when Nashi was really little , he was the one who stayed up late with her, ha, I tried to get up but he insisted and he got her when she was crying, I remember when I was sick , he was taking care of both of us, remember Happy?"

 "Aye, he wouldn't let you get out of bed, but I helped him too" Her smile got warmer as she looked at her husband and thought she couldn't have gotten anyone better.

A couple hours went by where everyone joked ,ate food and hung out. It was late afternoon that Lucy prodded Natsu up who jumped up with his fists ready to fight. "No one is going to fight you idiot" insulted Gray. " oh really " he threw a fireball at him where Gray dodged it and hit Elfman who thought someone else did it which Macaow then got involved. 

 Gray and Natsu started yelling and then Erza got involved by getting smacked by magic making her annoyed and jumped in, Making Lucy and Wendy laugh. " I love Fairy Tail!!" Lucy yelled into the guild. "Yeah!!!!" everyone yelled back pausing their fight.

 Once it was done before he could start anything else, Happy and Lucy dragged Natsu outside the guild with Nashi following behind. Once outside, he got to his feet and walked with them. "you just can't help yourself can you "said Lucy with humor . "Nope ,but I also know Gray can take it and dish it back" he retorted back. "Come on Nashi, time for bath" He scooped her up and ran with her in the house to the bathroom. Lucy slowly walked to the house looking back at the world behind her.

Suddenly an arrow showed up at her feet with an envelope attached to it. "What the heck, what is this?" she said as she opened the envelope and took out the parchment that was in it. When she unfolded it, she froze with panic.

 Pieces of Natsu's and Nashi's hair were in her hands. Panicking, she read the letter Mrs. Dragneel, I told you I would see you soon didn't I , these hairs in this envelope were collected last night. As you can see, my power is not one to be trifled with, I could have slit your child's and your dragon's throats without anyone knowing until it was too late. I will give you one day to say your goodbyes and put things to rest, you are too come to my place ,here is the address, where you will relinquish yourself to me..and before you think about telling anyone, this isn't about anyone else but I will kill your child and him if you do not comply and try to tell him. As you can see by the hairs, it will be a simple job, see you soon Lucy Dragneel

" A DAY, A DAY!!!!! She trembled and her legs were shaking under her. " I need to tell him!!, ...yeah..I"ll go" she yelled at herself but hesitated as soon as she took a step forward. She fisted her hands as she grew frustrated with herself "I...I cant...I can't do it" She felt herself starting to get emotional and choked it down causing herself to cough. 

'No..he said I have one day right? Well I'll take tomorrow and spent it with everyone and have fun, yeah, that's what I'll do" she told herself. "Lucy!, where are you?" she heard Happy yelling from inside the house. Shoving the letter into her pocket, she ran into the house to help them with Nashi. "Coming guys!"  

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