Part 15

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*Just a pre-warning the end of this part is going to get a little bit ✨spicy✨ It won't be too bad, but I wanted to warn you all ahead, anyway, I hope you enjoy*

We walked over to where Meliorn and Magnus had been, Magnus had gone, presumably to find Alec, but Meliorn was stood waiting for me.
"You know you're both drenched in Seelie blood right?" Charlotte whispered before we got to him
"Yeah, I imagine once I regain my strength from trying, and failing to heal Mel I'll be able to get the blood out of this shirt."
"I presume this means they are both alive?" Meliorn questioned
"Thankfully yes, but there are so many dead, this isn't going to end well."
"Welllll" Charlotte responded "I'm super tired so I'm going to go home, I'll call you Ria"
"Okay, sleep well" I replied and turned back to Meliorn, who greeted me with a gentle kiss.
"I have something to show you, I hoped it would be in celebration of something, but since tonight did not go to plan it can be to improve the mood."
"I mean things went terribly, but they could have gone worse, I nearly lost most the people I care about, thankfully nobody I know was in there."
"I guess we are lucky in that sense, come on" he said grabbing a hold of my hand and walking into the heart of the city. We walked for what seemed to be a very long time, when we came to an apartment block. 

"Okay, which way now?"
"Straight through those doors, into the elevator, up to the top floor, and into our new home."
"Wait, what? You bought an apartment? Here? This is the fancy part of town, how much was it? And how do you know I'll even agree to move in with you?"
"Just a feeling. And you don't need to worry yourself about the price" he laughed back "It's only the very best for my princess"
The apartment was beautiful, with skylights in the ceiling of the main room, and I could glimpse a balcony overlooking the city.
"So what do you think?"
"It's beautiful!"
"I'm glad you think so." He smiled, as he pulled me into yet another kiss, this one however more intense than the others, his hands traced my thighs and he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked in the direction of the bedroom, and dropped me carefully on the bed. 

"God you're so beautiful" he murmured as he pulled my shirt over my head, throwing it to one side, and I returned the favor. He trailed more kisses down to my neck, and started to leave marks on my neck and chest, I could feel him smirk against me every time I moaned in pleasure. I laced my fingers through his hair, anticipating what was to come, as he worked his way lower, his fingers tracing down my body, until he go to my thighs, when he stopped and looked up at me. "Are you sure your okay with this?"
"Positive" I murmured in response, and he moved my panties out of the way and well, I'll let you imagine the rest. 😉
*sorry that one was short, I had to stop myself before things got too spicy 😬*

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