Episode 16: Now, It's Time!

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*Klaus arrives in Dreamland and goes through the portal. From there, he arrives at Duckburg*

Klaus: Okay, I'm at Duckburg, (Grabs out his staff) Alright, time to go! (Rushes to the city)

*Back at the money bin, the four are at Gyro's lab*

Kirby: Okay, so what's the situation?
Gyro: We're here to discuss about the emergency about the Duckburg disaster

Kirby: So what's the emergency?

Gyro: (Plays a slideshow representing Saturn) You remember this guy?
Kirby: Huh? (Has a flashback of Saturn attacking Kirby) Oh yeah! I remember that person!
Gyro: Yeah, this guy right here is named Saturn. (next slideshow showing Sammy and Sam) He has two assistances named Sammy and Sam. (Next slideshow) These two were usually a part of an organization called F.O.W.L, until they're being fired. (Next slideshow) They then join an organization called E.Y.E. Their goal is to takeover Duckburg and find the city of life.

Kirby: City of life? What is that?
Fenton: We don't really know, but it's a big surprise

Kirby: Wow

*The alarm goes off*

Gyro: Saturn's troops must be in!
Kirby: What?!
Fenton: We'll take care of this! You guys go on and save yourselves!

Kirby: Got it!

*The four ran through the money bin, until they're being surrounded by Saturn's troops*

Kirby: We're surrounded!
Damemon: I'll take care of this! Gun Vulcan! (Attacks the troops) Come on! We're getting closer to the exit!

*The four reach the exit*

Kirby: Yes! We're out!
Sasha: I hope the McDuck family arrives here soon. I'm kinda worried about them for now. (A mysterious person grabs Sasha's arm) NOOO!!!
Sasha's friends: SASHA!
Kirby: (Checks and Sasha suddenly disappears) Where's Sasha?!
Damemon: Let's not worry about her! Let's just focus on finding the others!
Kirby: Okay, right!

*The three reach the city. Meanwhile, on the sky*

Launchpad: Seen the view?
Huey: The city is in danger!
Webby: I know! But, I wonder are Kirby and the others saving it?! What should we do?!
Wander: (Off-screen) You guys better get to safety!
Webby: Huh? Who are you?
Sylvia: Don't worry about us! Focus on saving Duckburg first!
Webby: Oh, okay!

*Meanwhile, Lena and Violet rush towards Duckburg*

Lena: Where's Webby?!
Violet: I don't know! Where is she?!
Saturn: There you are you two?!
Lena: Leave us alone! (Cast her magic and puts Saturn in a cage) Come on! (Retreats along with Violet)

Saturn: (Breaks free the cage) GRR...oh they won't be gone for long...this time...Huh? (Looks up and sees the plane falling)

*Back on the plane*

Launchpad: Guys! Brace yourselves, we're gonna crash!

Scrooge: Oh god! Hang on everyone!

*The plane crash lands on the city*

Kirby: Beakley! Watch out!

Beakley: OH!!!

*The plane crashes onto the ground, causing a huge fire*


*Kirby wakes up from the crash and gets captured from Saturn*

Saturn: I'm not done with you yet!
Kirby: No! (Throws a bomb, but Saturn dodges)

Saturn: I'm not done with you yet! I'm only here to find the city of life. I'm from E.Y.E, and I'm not going let that slide! You're terminated! (Attempts to punch him, but is being froze from Luz's ice spell)
Kirby: Luz!

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